The Great Wet Escape

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I wake up. My first thought is that I've been kidnapped by a rival gang. Then, I see the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle clock and know that I'm wrong. I look around and find that I'm in a bed and all over the walls are posters of bands, movies, and more movies. Then, I realise that my right eye feels funny and swollen. Ah, I was hit. By Kayleigh, if I remember rightly.

I get out of bed and look in the cupboards. I already know who's room this is, even though I've never been here before: Mark's. Who else would have this many posters of movies on his walls to the point where you can't even see the wall? And a huge collection of movies that take up most of his bedroom, sitting in cupboards, closets, drawers and bookshelves? Well, movie shelves, if you must.

I hear a swishing sound and feel some fabric tickling my ankles. Ah, I'm still wearing the dress from yesterday.

I walk out of the room, in search for Mark. When I look across the landing, all I can see are doors. Doors and doors and obviously walls because whats going to keep the doors from falling down? And more doors and more doors. Ah, one of the nightmares of lots of children and teenagers that I've seen and heard about in movies and books. Maybe I'm having that nightmare. But wait...why would I have a nightmare about doors? Why would I even be dreaming about doors? Unless it's in this dream where I kick the door down and find Arthur from Hey Arthur! canoodling on a settee with Muffy.

The voice in my head starts laughing at me for my babyish nightmare.
Oh look, a staircase, i think, trying to get the damn voice to shut up with his laughing. Wait, why would the voice in my head be a he? Why not a she?

Okay, Devon, you're getting very distracted here. Go down the damn staircase and stop thinking your thoughts when the voice is around. The stupid voice, always mocking me and laughing at me.

I finally walk down those stupid stairs, and what do I find? More doors, walls, more doors, and more freaking doors!
Damn this!
"Ugh", I say aloud, which then turns into a strange, throaty sob. I find some more stairs and as I'm walking down them, I'm praying that there's no more stairs and no more doors. I didn't really mind the walls. They reminded me of my house. The walls are probably the only thing in this house that I also have in my house. I find that there are no more stairs now! Yay! But, here comes the sad part: still more doors. But I know where I am now and I easily make my way into the livibg room where Mark is sat down with a book and chuckling to himself. Ah, I love the sound of him chuckling. It makes me want to laugh along. Probably at him and not with him, though.

As soon as he see's me, his chuckling dies. Well, I guess that's a good thing. If he was laughing at me, I would probably overthink things and get all defensive.

Ah, how Kerry and the others have turned me! I would have rather liked them to turn me into a werewolf, or a shark, or even a bengal tiger, but noooo. They had to change me into a stupid, overthinking, blushing little girl.

"Devon", Mark says, standing up and walking over to me.
"How are you? I was going to bring up some breakfast for you, but I got sidetracked by my book", he tells me.
"I'm fine", I say.
"Are you sure? Maybe you're disorientated. Wait, you aren't seeing things, are you?", he asks me, going into panic mode.
I start blinking frantically and wavering my arms about.
"Mark, help. All I can see is a guy with scissors for hands coming out of the wall at me. And a Gremlin in a wedding dress is helping him!", I say, making him laugh.

"You saw my posters. Of course", he murmurs.
"Well, I think we should start by watching Edward Scissorhands and The Gremlins first", he tells me.

We get to a really intense part of The Gremlins 2 when Mark insists he heard a car coming up the drive and pauses the TV.

"Hey! I was getting into that film!", I say, pushing him.
"My parents are back", he whispers at me, his eyes like huge eggs with small yolks.
"Really? Cool. I have a dozen questions I want to ask them about you", I say, picking up a handful of popcorn and stuffing them into my face. Who cares about manners when it's such great food that you want to cram into your mouth because it's bliss? That probably didn't make any sense, but who cares?

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