Snap Out Of It

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✏️Author's Note✏️
I just want to say that I got the idea of this chapter from the song 'Snap out of it' by Arctic Monkeys. I think it would be better if you listen to it whilst reading this, up until the ........
It's just a suggestion. I know some people who can't listen to music when reading because then they just want to sing along to the song. Or they can't focus on reading.

This is going to be my last update for 5 days, just so you know (if you haven't already read the author's note one or two chapters back. So, see you when I get back! Can't wait for Scotland! Woohoo!!!
Sorry. I bet you are all 'looking forward' to going back to school, college or whatever. Just keep thinking that summer's going to be here soon and you can forget about everything for a while.


I walk down the streets until I stand right outside the door with the sign over my head telling me that this is the place. I walk inside, and sit down at a table.

There are a lot of guys in here, some young, some old. There's a few women too.

After a few minutes, a guy slides into the seat opposite me. Lowell.
"Devon, what are you doing here?", he asks me, sounding like he's surprised that I came here.
"Need a few drinks", I say.
"You do know that you have to be 21, right? And you must be, what, now? 18?", he asks me.

"Lowell, remember when I helped you out with your run away plan from Will and you finally got your dream of becoming a bar owner?", I ask him. He sighs, looking to the bar and back to me.
"Fine. But just this once", he tells me, getting the guy from behind the bar's attention and holding up two fingers.

The beers come and I hold mine up.
"To old friends when you need them", I say, clanking my glass against his.

And I begin to drink.

I dance on the table to Livin' On A Prayer, swinging my arms above my head and moving my hips and swishing my hair. I kneel down in front of some guy and grab his t-shirt, pulling him towards me.
"I'm a little thirsty", I tell him.
"What kind of thirsty?", he asks, suggestively. I laugh.
"Get me a drink and we'll see about the other", I tell him, winking at him.

I carry on dancing until the drink is made. I jump off of the table, and walk towards the bar, sitting down on a stool and taking a long drink of the vodka and tonic.
"So you finished yet?", The bar guy asks me.
"Nope. Lowell said that I couldn't get any more than five free drinks off of anyone. Then, he boosted it up to fifteen. So I'm proving him wrong", I tell the bar guy slurring slightly.

"What are you up to?", he asks me.
"Fourteenthieth hundred and eleventy?", I guess.
He laughs at me.
"You know, those men will get mad if they don't get what they want", He explains.
I look behind me, almost falling off of my stool.

"Yeah. Well, they'll just have to get mad", I tell him, putting my arms on the bar and leaning forward.
"Oh, really?", he says, smiling.
"Really", I say, a smile forming at the side of my mouth.
"I get off in ten minutes. My rooms upstairs in Number 6", he says.

"And where would the key to that room be?", I ask.
"You don't need one. It's already open", he says, his eyes sliding downwards.

I lean away from him and down the rest of my drink. Getting off the bar stool, I walk to the small staircase, knowing his eyes are still on me.

Once I get upstairs, I open the door to room number 6 and get myself ready. Or as ready as I can be when I'm pîssed and falling all over the place.

Was it a left or a right to Rachee's house? Lefty loosy, righty righty. And as Rachee's a fan of large tops, I would say lefty loosy?

I laugh to myself as I walk left, walking in swirly motion. I get to the edge of the road, on the cerb, and start tightrope walking. Yay! I'm so going to beat Nancy at this!
"Nyaw, nnnyyyaww", I say, having fallen and landed in an airplane.
"Passengers, this is your captain speaking. It's going to be a long night ahead of us before we get to Tokyo", I say.

As someone beeps, I bump into a...bird? Wait, a lamppost? But how can a lamppost be up here? Maybe a bird and a lamppost procreated and made a little birdpost. Or lampbird? Hahaha.
Wait. The lampbird hit me. I can feel the anger boil inside of me. I need to punch something.

"Devon! What are you doing?!", a voice asks me.
"I'm going to kill that lampbird!", I shout. The voice hauls me away.
"What the fûcking hell do you think you're doing, you little cûnt!", I shout at whoever a dragging me away. I dig my heels in and wriggle out of their grasp. I turn around. Blonde hair, freckles, pointy chin.

"Chris, leave me the fûck alone!", I shout at him.
"Devon, you're drunk. Just let me get you home", he tells me.
"Where the fûck is home?", I shout at him.
"I don't know. Tell me and I'll take you back there", Chris argues.
"I don't have a fûcking home! I'm going to Rachee's!", I say, turning around and heading on my way.

"Devon, let's get back to Kerry's. You shouldn't be alone right now-", he starts to say.
"No! Don't you get it? I have no one! No one left!", I scream at him.
"Don't be like that, Devon. You have us. You just have to-", he starts.
"Be rich? Be popular? Be important? Well, I'm not any of those things! I'm not even normal!", I shout at him.
"What are you on about? Yes, bad things have happened to you, but you're not that bad. And why you would even want to be normal is beyond me", Chris says, grabbing my arm about to pull me away. I pull my arm back, but he has a good grip on it.

"Chris, I live in a falling down house. Literally. Every single family member I had, left me. And, if you were capable of really bad things and had done so many bad things in your life that it could either drive you to insanity or get you locked up, then wouldn't you want to be normal?", I ask him, watching the shock light up his face in the dark.

I pull my arm back, out of his grip. I turn around and leave, and he doesn't try to follow me, get me back or anything. I just leave.

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