!Author's Note!

29 4 2

Hi dudes and dudettes,

Sorry I haven't written in a while, but I've started to rethink a part of the story. It's crucial to the plot. Well, okay, maybe not crucial. But it's what leads the story on to where I want it to go. So I'll try to sort that out for you all.

I also have a very good excuse! I haven't updated my story because of everyone on wattpad. Well, maybe not everyone. But some. You see, most of you people out there on wattpad have been talking about Gilmore Girls and how great of a series it is. And how Jared Padalecki is in it. So I started watching it. And I'm starting to obsess. And as the episodes are about 40 mins long, I'm only on episode 15. Although I only just started this weekend.

And exams are coming up, so I'm screwed. My first one is on the 15th this month! That's 10 days away! Yeah, it's English Lit so there's not much I can do to prepare myself. I have to remember a bit of info though. Ugh, but I can't be bothered. I'd rather watch Gilmore Girls.

See what you've done to me?!?!

Haha, just kidding. For all of you Gilmore Girl fans out there, thanks for introducing me to it! I love it! :D

Anyway, if you hadn't told me about GG, I would have found another way to procrastinate. Probably by watching Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Yeah, really old, but awesome.

So sorry about this rambling on. I'll try to update as soon as possible. And hopefully revise for my exams but I doubt that will happen. I'm too lazy and a professional procrastinator.

Well, I'm on my say to college. Literally. Writing this on the bus. Well, 2nd bus because it takes me two buses to get to college. Can you tell I'm bored?

Anyway, hope you all have a good day/night. And see ya!

Drew Grey
:D your awesomest friend. Haha

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