Extra tickets Ice Cream and Bad Mistakes

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Hi dudes and dudettes! Just want to remind you what happened in the last chapter.

*Well, from the last chapter, Devon got hurt pretty badly by Nikki.

*Devon snapped at James

*and we learnt more about Maria, Devon's mum.


Kill me now!

I'm stuck in a hall full of people rehearsing for the talent show that doesn't happen until next month! Kerry is just making me set up some equipment for everyone. Now, I'm just leaning against the wall, wishing that I could just go out! I tried to escape before, but Kerry caught me before I even made it out of the door!

"Devon!", a voice calls out, and I look around to see who is calling me. Matt runs up to me, looking like he might wet himself, he looks that excited.

"Hey Matt. What's up?", I ask him.

"You know the match tomorrow? Well, my cousin had three tickets, but he can't go because he has to be the best man at his friends wedding. And his friends that were supposed to go with him are supposed to go to that wedding. So, I invited Mark, James and Kayleigh to join us!", Matt says, his grin almost bigger than his face.

"Awesome! A bit of a bummer for your cousin and his mates", I say, feeling sad for them having to sit through a long-ass wedding when they could be at a match.

"It's alright, though? You're okay with Mark, James and Kayleigh coming along, aren't you?", he asks me.

"Yeah! You can't waste spare tickets!", I tell him, lying through my teeth. I'm fine with Mark coming: he's cool. But, James and Kayleigh? I don't know. James and I aren't getting along at the moment, and Kayleigh...ugh. She's too damn happy and optimistic that it bothers me to no extent.

"Great", he says, letting out a breathe that I hadn't realised he'd been holding. Mark comes over to us, having even dragged into the same situation as me, but he had been setting lights up and making sure they were still working, so I hadn't been able to talk to him.

"Hey guys. Matt, did you tell Devon about the match?", Mark asks him.

"Yeah. She's okay with it", Matt says, the smile still stuck on his face.

"Great. Shall we all go for some ice cream after this crap-tastic rehearsal is over, and talk about who's driving who over there, and the times and all of that?", Mark asks us.

"As long as ice cream is involved, I'm in", I tell him, feeling hungry for ice cream right now.

"Sure. Are James and Kayleigh going to meet us there?", Matt asks Mark.

"No. They can't make it. They're on a date, but I told James I'd call him to let him know what's happening", Mark explains.


Sitting at a booth near the window, we all talk over ice cream. Mark is sat next to me, as Matt farted before, and Mark said that it stank like a donkey that had been dead for 400 years, rotting in a bin.

"So times. I'll pick you, Devon, up at 11:00, and then go to get Mark. Kayleigh and James will have to go in their own car", Matt explains the plan.

"So I'll need to know your address", Matt says, looking at me. Damn. Why does everyone keep needing to know where I live?

I should have kept my car. But, I couldn't. I had sold my baby shortly after I got her, needing the money more than a ride.

I look to Mark, hoping he has an excuse that he can just pick out of his pocket and use.

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