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It is Saturday evening, Shizuko sat on her bed while looking outside from her bedroom window.

"Oi, Raven. "

Shizuko looks in the direction of the sound coming from, finding Senku is standing beside her window.

" 'Raven'? "

"Yeah, since there's a lot of ravens followed you here. " Senku said as he pointed the ravens from the sky. "Don't you have school to attend? "

"Next week. Mother was thinking about putting me to your school since we're neighbours. " Shizuko sighed.

"Do you like science? " Senku suddenly asked.

"Not really, they aren't my strongest subject. " Shizuko said. "I only like the psychology thingy. "

"Psychology is a soft science. " Senku said. "Like a mentalist. "

"Mhm. " Shizuko nodded as a raven flew down to her window. She scratched its head as the raven purred.

"You seem to attract ravens. " Senku raised his eyebrow. "They look easy for you to pet. " Senku tried to pet its head, but nearly bit off.

"It's because I see ghosts. " Shizuko pet the raven. "These ravens can help me find the bodies since the crows are always noisy eating the dead bodies. "

"Do you have a name for them? " he asked.

"A one or two. This one is Virgo. " She said.

"Like the constellation? "

Shizuko nodded her head. "I like the stars. They seem beautiful when they are around the moon. "

"Well, my dream is to become a scientist and go to the moon," he said.

"Really? " she looks at him. "That's so cool. "

"Yeah, that's why I'm helping my old man. We're helping him to learn how to swim tomorrow. " Senku smirked.

"We? " Shizuko tilted her head.

"Tomorrow you're going to meet that big oaf. " he grinned.


"SENKUUUU! " Taiju screamed as he hugged his best friend. Taiju has come over to Senku house to hang out.

"Get off me, you stupid oaf! " Senku struggling to get out from Taiju.

"We're going to give the swimming suit for Byakuya today right? " Taiju asked.

"Yeah, but first we gotta wait for a person. " Senku said as the boys went out.

"Who are we meeting? " Taiju asked as he looks around. Senku already walks over to the next house. "Hmm? Isn't this house empty? "

"New neighbour. Moved in on Thursday. Byakuya insists I came over that Friday afternoon. " Senku said as he rang the doorbell.

"Coming! " a voice came. Mrs Kurosawa opens the door to see them standing in front of their house. "Oh hi there Senku, and who is this? "

"I'm Oki Taiju, ma'am! " Taiju smiled.

"Ah, another energetic friend you have, Senku. " Mrs Kurosawa smiled. "Are you guys waiting for Shizuko? "

Senku nodded his head. "We promise we have an experiment to make. "

"Ah, yes. She told me about it. " Mrs Kurosawa nodded her head. She turns back to the house as she called her daughter. "Shizuko dear, Senku is here! "

"Coming mother. "

"You didn't tell me it's a girl. " Taiju said.

"She's different from the other girls. " Senku said.

"Senku. " Shizuko greeted. "And is this the big oaf you mentioned? " she turns her head to Taiju.

"Yeah. " Senku grinned. "Come on, Byakuya's off day today. "

"Hey, nice to meet you Shizuko! " Taiju beamed. "I'm Oki Taiju! "

"First name basics? " Shizuko turns her head back to the scientist.

Senku nodded his head. "Yeah, since our family name is long to pronounce. "

"Kurosawa Shizuko. " She greeted back.

A raven flew on her shoulder.

"Is that a crow? " Taiju pointed.

"That's a raven. " Senku deadpanned, correcting him.

"Oh, Virgo's back. " Shizuko pet the raven. Virgo purred.

"Virgo? You name your pet raven Virgo? " Taiju asked curiously.

"It's not a pet. " Shizuko frowned. "It helped me find people. "

"Finding people? "

Senku groaned. "Come on, we had to get Byakuya to the swimming pool! " Senku pushed Taiju to the front.

"Okay! Okay! "


"That was crazy. "

Shizuko sitting in the middle on the bench with Senku and Taiju. They are eating ice cream Byakuya had bought for them.

"Ha! He needs to know how to swim! " Senku grinned.

"Is he going to be an astronaut one day? " Shizuko asked.

"Yeah, that's why Senku is helping him! " Taiju said.

Shizuko didn't say anything, she just stared at a blank face.

"Shizuko? "

Shizuko turns her head to the road, "something is going to happen, like a car accident. " she said with a serious voice.

"What? " Taiju asked.

"You seem can predict the future too. " Senku raises an eyebrow.

Shizuko didn't say anything, she looks around her surrounding.

"What are you looking for? " Taiju asked.

"Asami? " Shizuko called.

"Asami? Who's that? " Taiju asked again.

Senku frowned. 'Asami? Isn't that the ghost that stays with Shizuko? ' he thought.

Then, a car was crashed into the side of the road. Smoke has covered the car.

Shizuko widens her eyes. "No... "

"Oi Shizuko! I think Asami wanted to talk with you! " Senku yelled in whispered.

"What? " she turns her head to Senku. A strength tugging his sleeve. "Senku. "

"What is she saying? "

"Senku, that isn't Asami. "

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