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"This is exhilarating! " Senku exclaimed. "How many years did it take you to find all this stuff, dude?" Red eyes glimmered with excitement.

"Impressive, I've never seen half of the minerals before," Shizuko commented as she looked over the piles of rocks and minerals some of them she didn't even know.

"See that? It's awesome, isn't it? " Chrome's eyes sparkled as well. "You may have defeated me in sorcery and arithme- I mean, I was off my game today anyway- but my collection is the best there is! "

'They're all just rocks... ' Kohaku thought. Shizuko sighed while sweatdropped as she stood beside the wall.

"Malachite! Chalanthite! Corundum!" Senku exclaimed as he observed the bags of science rocks.

"That one's seriously tough." said Chrome as he pointed and stared at the mineral held in Senku's hands.

"I have no idea how they're different. " Kohaku said. "Why are you two getting so excited about rocks? "

"Oh, man, galena!" Senku cried in joy. "Lead acquired! "

"That one's crazy shiny when you break it. " said Chrome as he grab a hammer out of nowhere.

"Nope. I just can't understand the way they get so spiritual about collecting rocks." Kohaku deadpanned.

"I used to collect bugs and stuff, now I can't even touch them, they creep me out." Ginro piped in.

"You even have cinnabar!"

"Have fun showing off your trophies, I have to deliver the hot springs to my sister," Kohaku said as she walked away from the shed. Shizuko accompanied her to the bridge.

"Sorry to leave you with those idiots for a while, I have to get this to my sister," Kohaku said as she lifted the jar.

"Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on them." Shizuko waves her hand.

"Thank you, Shizuko." Kohaku smiled.


"Cinnabar, also known as the philosopher's stone," Senku said as he broke the cinnabar and heat it. "It showed up in Dragon Quest too. Heat it up, and you get mercury."

"Ohh, so that is how the mercury was done," Shizuko muttered.

"There they go again with their weird sorcery," said Ginro with an unsure smile.

Kinro on the other hand, was not amused as he suddenly stabbed his spear to the ground, speaking in a warning tone. "Do as you like outside the village. But take so much as one step over this bridge, and I'll kill you," he said. "Rules are rules."

However, Senku didn't listen and simply grinned, continue stirred the mercury in the pot. "Melt some gold dust into the mercury, and..." Then he drag Kinro's spear and dipped it into the bowl of chemicals. After that, the spear was heating up from the fire.

Kinro widen his eyes as Senku warned him. "Don't inhale this smoke. It'll kill you. "

Finally, a shiny gold spear on Kinro's spear.

"And now you have a shiny golden spear." Senku showed them. There's reflection could see on the spear.

"Oh, man!" Chrome exclaimed.

"Woah, there's a reflection. " Shizuko said.

Kinro observed the new shiny golden spear for a while and turn to Senku. "What good will this sorcery do?" he asked.

"It's not good for jack. But you're Kinro, aren't you? So a golden sword. It's perfect for you." Senku smirked.

"I hope you aren't trying to buy me off with this nonsense," Kinro said.

"Nuts." Senku scoffed.

"That won't work on Kinro." Chrome said. "All he ever says is that 'rules are rules'. He's super stiff. "

Kinro walks back to his guard place. "That's right. Rules are rules. " Then he looks at his spear with imagination in his head.

""What do you think he is thinking? "" Naoki asked.

""Probably some show-off badass martial art. "" Yuichi shrugged.

"Though, I don't see the need to remove it, either," Kinro said as he walk back to the village.

Senku and Chrome linked their arm and laughed evilly. "He just needs one more push!"

"A-Are there any silver spears?" Ginro asked. Shizuko just looked at him and shrugged.

"You're like one of those people who spend all their time collecting materials on Monster Hunter," said Senku as he, Chome, and Shizuko walked back to the shed.

"Mon... Hun?" Chome confused.

"Monster Hunter, a kind of video game in our time," Shizuko explained as Chrome nodded in somewhat understanding.

"You have plants too?" Shizuko asked as she looked around.

"Felworts, sweetroot, canker root... They're all used in traditional medicine," said Senku as he recognize the plants that Chrome collected. "They're all drugs."

Shizuko looked over at Chrome who went silent for a while with sadness on his face. "Yeah. I have no idea if they work or not, though," he said. "I've been trying them on my own body and collecting the ones that were good. I'll collect anything if it'll make Ruri better. That's why I became a sorcerer."

"Ruri? Kohaku's sister?" Shizuko asked. Chrome nodded his head.

"Senku, Shizuko, is there no sorcery that can save Ruri? No, science?" Chrome asked with determination in his eyes after lightning an oil lamp because the sun is setting.

"It depends on her condition. But in this stone world..." Senku said. "Chrome, we should tell you everything. Everything that happened 3700 years ago. About the world before the collapse."

They told Chrome about the technological civilization in the modern world, how humans had built buildings and vehicles, humans first landed on the moon, and created robotic arms and the internet. The mood went down when how the petrification ray made everyone turn into stone causing everything technology to be destroyed. Shizuko looked down as she heard a sob, she looked up to see a crying Chrome.

"Why are you bawling all of a sudden? What's up with your emotions?" Senku asked as he notice Chrome was crying.

"I'm not crying! Wait, damn it! I am! " Chrome exclaimed as tears went down his cheeks. "Who caused the petrification? If I ever see them, I'll kill them! How could we lose this? Our human predecessors spent millions of years slowly building this crazy, technological civilization, and it got wiped out in the blink of an eye?! I'm pissed as hell!"

"Kukuku, it's not wiped out, idiot. The whole thing's right here." Senku smirked.

"Where?" Chrome asked as he lifted up his head.

"Humanity isn't going down that easily. Two million years of human history is  right here inside us." Senku said as he pointed his head, then another hand pointed at Shizuko's head. Shizuko nodded her head sweatdropped. 'I'm joining too?' "But I'm not sure I can help that much though..." She muttered.

"And right here inside you. Am I wrong?" Senku made a fist and pointed to Chrome.

"You're not wrong. Of course, you're not. Senku, Shizuko, I'm going to build this nation of science with you two, and I'm going to defeat Ruri's sickness!" Chrome said as he stood up. "So tell me, didn't you say earlier that there's a scientific way to save Ruri?!"

Senku smirked. "Yeah, we're making the ultimate medicine of science. The antibiotic."

A/N: Shizuko will probably be part of the science group and fighting group because of her lack of both scientific and fighting knowledge.
Did I mention this before?? Damn, I forgot-

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