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I have a few written chapters as 'future adding scenes' and I'm trying to put in the chapters TvT

Senku was happily collecting the sulfur while Yuzuriha and Taiju bathed in the hot springs with a barrier in the middle. Shizuko was sitting beside the mountain edge.

"Shizuko-chan, wanna join me? " Yuzuriha asked.

"Hm? " Shizuko turned her head to her. "Aren't you talking to Taiju? "

"Oh, I'm done bathing! " Taiju said as he came out. "You can join Yuzuriha if you want! "

"Alright then. " Shizuko made an okay pose and walked to Yuzuriha. "Ahh, it's been so long I didn't bath this comfortable," she said as she sink into the water.

"Shizuko-chan always bathed near the river, right? " Yuzuriha asked.

"Mhm. " Shizuko nodded her head. "I actually scared if someone peaking me. That's why I did it fast. "

"It must be tough. " Yuzuriha said. "Say, do you have anyone in your mind? " she smiled.

"Are we doing the girls' talk right now? " Shizuko asked, raising an eyebrow. Yuzuriha smiled as she nodded her head.

"Eto... Nah, I don't have anyone in my mind lately. " Shizuko shrugged. Not that she wanted to have it, it's just really troublesome for her.

"That Raven rejecting each boy on valentine's day every year before we met you. " A voice cut off her thought.

"Says the one who thinks feelings are illogical. " Shizuko deadpanned.  "One day I will laugh at you when you are in a relationship," she smirked.

"Pfft, bring it on then. The first one who starts dating has to give their blessings to their partner. " Senku smirked.

"Noted. " Shizuko smirked.

"Eh? " Yuzuriha smiled awkwardly. "I thought you and Senku-"

"Me and Senku? Nah, we act like siblings. " Shizuko said, pointing at the other side barrier. "I don't have a type. " she shrugged.

"Ohh... " Yuzuriha nodded in understanding.


The next morning, Senku has already done collecting the sulfur.

"Kukuku, we have the three materials we need to make gunpowder. " Senku said.

"Oh! We have them already? " Taiju asked.

"All we need to do now is mix it. " Senku grinned. "It's time for our happy gunpowder cooking session! "

It's Senku's kitchen time!

"Ingredient number one for gunpowder, sulfur, which we can get plenty of at this hot springs. " Senku said as Shizuko poured the bag of sulfur into a bigger bag.

"Number two, charcoal. " Senku said as he throw it into the bag. "We can get all we need by burning wood. "

"And number three, the last, but most difficult: potassium nitrate. " Senku said. It'll take a hell of a long time to make this stuff, so... "  he showed the bag of potassium nitrate in front of Taiju. "Kukuku! I've already made some to save us time! "

"Mhmmm... " Taiju thought. "I feel like I've heard the word 'nitrate' somewhere... " realization hit him. "Nitric acid! Miracle water! Did you get it from that cave? "

"You're right for once, simpleton. " Senku said as he poured the potassium nitrate into the big bag. "Ten billion points for you. " he then started to mix the materials. "Potassium nitrates, sulfur, and charcoal all go in the mix, and a pinch of sugar as a secret ingredient gives it a little more oomph. This is glucose that I made from grapes," he added a tablespoon of glucose and poured it into the materials.

«Hey! My name is Mecha-Senku! That recipe I just gave you is legit. It can result in a real bomb. So don't even think about trying it! »

Senku tied up the bag and lifted a small tree log ready to punch it. "Finally, pound it until it's packed solid. "

"Pound it, huh?! " Taiju got a huge round rock out of nowhere. "Leave the heavy lifting to me! "

The three of them were shocked. Yuzuriha rushed in front of Taiju with worry. "Are you sure that's a good idea? You might be strong enough to make it spark and go boom! Like flint! "

"Nah, you won't get any sparks by hitting stones with stones. " Senku said.

"Really? " Yuzuriha asked worriedly.

Taiju didn't say anything and started to punch it. "Oh, you're right. "

"Flint is more than just stone. It needs to have metal in it to make sparks. " Senku explained. "Hot springs, volcanoes, and iron pyrite. "

Shizuko widens her eyes, "wait, iron! " Senku widens his eyes as he realizes it. 'Plus Taiju's OP strength it'll-'

Unfortunately, Taiju punched the bag too hard and cause the sparks to ignite. A loud kaboom can be heard.

Shizuko had pulled Senku at the back of his clothes while Taiju protecting Yuzuriha.

"Haha, no problem! Our gunpowder cooking was a huge success! " Senku laughed.

"I had no idea gunpowder was so powerful. " Yuzuriha said. 

"Yeah, they've been plenty of accidents where students were experimenting with it and got their limbs blown off. " Senku said.

Yuzuriha sweatdropped.

"It can easily be lethal. "

"We're going to attack Tsukasa-kun with this? " Yuzuriha asked.

"No. We're going to make a deal. " Senku said. "Tsukasa isn't a mindless killer. Taiju, remember what he said when you went at him? "

"Let me get this straight. You'll let me keep hitting you and never fight back. Therefore, don't destroy the statues. Is that right? " Tsukasa asked.

"That's right! " Taiju exclaimed.

"I don't understand. There's no deal being made here. " Tsukasa said.
[Flashback end]

"In other words, in the right circumstances, we can negotiate with him. As long as we have a gunpowder weapon, we have leverage. " Senku said, watching the smoke being blown.

Taiju and Yuzuriha smiled in relief.

'But if negotiations with Tsukasa fall through, then we'll have to kill him. ' Senku thought.

I forgot this fanfic exist-
Anyway, yes im still working on the bsd non-romantic fanfic cuz there are no English subtitlesssss
My spm result is tomorrow, shit-

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