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"Yuichi! I told you don't write my books with a bunch of marker ink! "

It was a day Shizuko chilling in her bedroom, but some ghost had to disturb it. Shizuko was running around her house in the dining room, chasing Yuichi who keep making a funny face.

Then, her phone rang.

"Oh, it's from Senku. " Shizuko stopped chasing Yuichi and tap the green button of the phone call. "Hello? "

"There's a girl got shot in a corridor! She might die but I don't know yet! " Senku yelled through the phone.

"What?! " Shizuko quickly got her purse and quickly went out. "Mother! I got another emergency called! "

"Okay! Be safe honey! "

Shizuko quickly runs to the corridor where Senku had sent the location to her. She only saw an ambulance pushing a person with a white blanket into the ambulance.

This is what Senku explained to her: He saw her toxic friends shot her by accident and fled away. She was spotted by Senku first when she was laying down with her blood, then he called Shizuko to come over to check her soul if it was still there.

"Oi, if you are still there, don't close your eyes! " Senku yelled.

"A boy...? "

"Damn it, where's Raven when you need her? " Senku said as he pulls out his phone. "Hello? Someone is dying here!"

"Why is he helping me...? "

After Senku got off the emergency call, he called Shizuko next.

It was too late, the girl already passes away when the ambulance gets there. The ambulance already putting a white blanket on the body.

"Ah, I'm late. " Shizuko huffed. "Did you remember the dead body's face?

"Her hair is cyan color, probably green eyes. " Senku said.

"Oh, " Shizuko said as she turns her head to Senku's back. "She's here. "

"Is Asami with you? " Senku asked.

Shizuko nodded her head. "Let's go back to my house first. " she then saw a bag of science equipment in Senku's hand. "You got new things? "

Senku smirked. "Yeah, Byakuya accidentally destroyed some of them while I was away. Fortunately, they can replace it. "

A force suddenly tugging her sleeves. Shizuko turns her head and saw the cyan-haired girl crying.

"Ehm... What's your name...? " Shizuko looked at Asami.

""Naoki. "" Asami said.

"Alright Naoki, let's go back to my house. " Shizuko put her hand on Naoki's shoulder. "You'll meet new friends soon. "

""New friends...? ""

"Yeah, new friends. " Shizuko turned her head to Senku. "You want to put your things away then come observe, isn't it? "

Senku laughed. "You bet I am! "


"Mother! We're back! "

Shizuko put her things away as she called Yuichi over. "Yuichi, come here. "

""Yeah? "" Yuichi raised an eyebrow.

"Meet Naoki. " Shizuko introduced her. "Asami, let her meet Kaori and mother. "

Asami nodded her head and lead Naoki to the kitchen.

"Damn, one day I'm going to make goggles for seeing ghosts. " Senku said as he put his hand under his chin, thinking.

"Please don't. " Shizuko deadpanned. "There are a lot of them than you imagine. You can't just make one, you might meet a killer ghost. "

"Nah, don't worry. " Senku smirked.

"Don't say I didn't warn you. " Shizuko sighed. "But if you did make one, make sure you made an extra too. "

"Oh, right. For your mom. " Senku said.

"Mhm. " Shizuko nodded her head. "She needs it a lot. "

Then, Senku notices a book with ink splashed on it. "Kukuku, is that your homework? " he smirked.

"What? " Shizuko take the homework and observed. "Damn it, Yuichi. "

"It's Yuichi again? "

"Damn right it is. "


After that incident, Naoki had been happy in the Kurosawa family. She helped Kaori to help meals in the kitchen with Mrs Kurosawa and helped Shizuko on her homework. She never been this happy before.

Shizuko did asked her about her family after a week she passed away, Naoki's parents are really sad about their daughter passed away when Shizuko met them.

"Thank you for telling me this, Shizuko-chan. " Mrs Fujita, Naoki's mother, said while wiping her tears.

"Don't worry, I'll help you take care of her. " Shizuko said.

"Thank you. "Mr Fujita said.

Before she left, Shizuko make sure the Fujita family won't tell anyone that she can see ghosts.

After another week, Yuzuriha and Taiju had also met Naoki.

Now four of them passed middle school, going to high school together. The future isn't going to predict itself, but Shizuko already predict it.

Something worst going to happend, worse than Shizuko can predict.

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