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"So, who are we bringing back first? " Shizuko asked.

"Mhm, well we're gonna revive everybody sooner or later. So it doesn't matter who are we start with. " Senku said. "Kukuku, although it would be suck if we woke up a murderer right off the bat. "

"Mhmm, I see. " Taiju said.

Senku shrugged. "I don't feel like choosing who we waking up, it's your choice, Taiju. " Senku smirked as he pointed.

"Thank you, Senku. " Taiju smiled. "I know who I'll pick, I mean it's obvious! "


"Oh, you aren't coming with us, Shizuko? " Taiju asked. A bottle of reviving fluid on Senku's hand.

Shizuko waved her hand. "No need, you guys go ahead. "

"Alright then! "

"Oh wait, Senku, Taiju. " Shizuko stopped them before they walk any further, making them turned their head. "Be careful guys. Something dangerous is coming. "

"Kukuku, we get it. " Senku smirked. "Your prediction won't be wrong. "

After Shizuko watching the two guys walked away, she went back to the treehouse and called out Naoki. "Naoki, follow Senku and Taiju. "

""Yes ma'am! "" Naoki nodded her head and float away in their direction.

In the meantime, Shizuko found some material to make another dress for Yuzuriha.

"I don't know which style should I make..." She muttered. "Well, at least covered to her knees. "

After she was done, her eyes got tired.

"Ah, I'm getting sleepy. " she yawned, and then she falls asleep.


"Anyway, I'm Shishio Tsukasa, just call me Tsukasa," he said, reaching out a handshake.

The boys had revived Tsukasa and brought him to the treehouse.

"I supposed family name doesn't matter in this stone world. I'm Senku, the sane one who's in charge of science. " Senku said as he pointed to Taiju. "That's Taiju, the simple one who's in charge of heavy lifting. "

"I'm Taiju, the simple one. Nice to meet you. If you have anything done, ask Senku. " Taiju shook his hand.

"Then, who's this? "

Tsukasa pointed at the sleeping Shizuko.

"That's Shizuko, the special one. " Senku said bluntly, picking his ears.

Tsukasa raised an eyebrow, "special? "

Then, Shizuko woke up from their chatting. She rubbed her eyes as she looked at her surrounding. "Afternoon, what happened? "

"Hey, Shizuko! This is Tsukasa! " Taiju introduced.

"Tsukasa? What about Yuzuriha? " Shizuko asked.

"We got chased by the lions, revived him instead of Yuzuriha. " Senku said.

"Ugh, I hate my prediction is correct. " Shizuko muttered, standing up and faced Tsukasa, "Anyway, as he said, I'm Shizuko. "

"Why did Senku preferred you as the special one? " Tsukasa asked.

Shizuko looked at Senku, then looked back to Tsukasa. "Just a weird ability that I have, that's all," she said. 

Tsukasa didn't say anything.

"Ah, I'm hungry. What do you guys want to eat? " Shizuko said, breaking the silence.

This makes Tsukasa turned his head at her. He asked, "what do you usually have to eat? "

"Mainly wild greens and mushrooms, sometimes Shizuko will catch some rabbit for meat. " Senku said.

"Well, you won't be living like that any longer. I'll be in charge of fighting and hunting. " Tsukasa said, and off to catch some meats.


Tsukasa got back with a bunch of fish and meats.

"Woah! This is awesome! " Taiju exclaimed.

"Now that I'm on your side, you'll never have any shortage of prey again. " Tsukasa said.

Shizuko started to cook the fish.

"I see. So if you cook it immediately, you don't need a fridge to keep it from going bad. " Taiju said.

"She's not cooking it. " Senku said. "She's using the aldehydes in the smoke to kill the microbes. To put it simply enough for you to understand, she smoking it. "

"I'm just doing it with his instructions. " Shizuko said. "I'm no scientist, after all. "

"If Senku and I work together, we'll have plenty of preserved food. " Tsukasa said.

Senku stood up and cracked his neck. "Ahh, now we can finally take the first step towards civilization. "

"We were still at step zero?! " Taiju shocked.

"Unfortunately, yeah. " Shizuko said.

Tsukasa walked to a big stone.

"Oi, Tsukasa. What's wrong? " Taiju asked. Shizuko and Senku observed Tsukasa at the back.

With one punch, he broke the stone in half. Making 3 of them shocked.

"Sorry for startling you, this person was buried under the rock. " Tsukasa said, putting the stone statue beside the stone.

"He really is a good guy! " Taiju exclaimed.

"Heh, he's a superhero at this point huh? " Senku said.

"He just a guy with a freaking strong body. " Shizuko muttered.

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