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I'm lacking a lot of things about Shizuko-


After gathering the iron sand, they started to measure the quantity of sand and charcoal they'll be using.

"So the black sand we got from the river turns into this 'iron' stuff?" Suika asked.

"Yeah, mix four parts iron sand to one part coal, and bake," said Senku.

"Hey, that's easy." Chrome said.

"It's harder than it sounds," Senku smirked. "It's not like making clay pots. The highest temperature we can get by burning wood is 700 degrees. But ironmaking, turning iron sand into iron, requires 1500 degrees."

"That's a lot of degrees..." Shizuko muttered.

"That's not even close to enough," Kohaku said. "What do we do?"

"We blow like hell," Senku responded bluntly. "We have to give it as much oxygen as we can. We'll send in a ton of air and double the flame's damage output from 700 to 1500," he said.

They walked to the furnace that Senku had made. Shizuko didn't even know when he made this.

Senku tossed some puffing contraption to them.

"This thing blows air?" Kohaku asked as she caught the puffing contraption Senku had tossed to her. "With something this useful, I could probably do it by myself."

"Kohaku... I wouldn't say that if I were you." Shizuko sweatdropped as she tested the puffing contraption.

"You can make that claim once you've done it," Senku said. "We're never going to have enough manpower."

After a few minutes, they blew like hell.

"Damn it, my arms are killing me!" Chrome screamed.

"Don't you dare take a break! It'll get cooler!" Senku exclaimed.

"How many more minutes are we doing this?" Shizuko asked.

"Roughly... Another... Twenty to thirty hours." Senku huffed.

"Ironmaking is insane!"

Suika fell down, completely out of energy.

"Don't push yourself, Suika!" Kohaku said. "Take a break!"

"We got this Suika!" Shizuko exclaimed as she continue blowing the furnace. The spirits had one by one aided Shizuko with some energy.

""C'mon Shizuko!"" Asami exclaimed as she take turns lending her some energy. Kaori and Yuichi were exhausted by the blowing.

'I still can't make myself useful.' Suika thought.

In the end, they are all exhausted and fall asleep until morning.

""Shizukooooo, wake uuuuupp."" Yuichi nagged. ""It's morning alreadyyy.""

Asami smacked him on his head. ""Can't you wake her up with more kindly? ""

"Ugghh..." Shizuko groaned as she sit up. "Senku, wake up, what time is it?" she crawled to Senku and tried to shake him for waking up.

"Ugh..." Senku opened his eyes. "Damn, it's morning already?"

"Yeah." Shizuko rubbed her eyes. "I think our ironmaking had failed."

Senku stood up, then kicked Chrome to wake him up. Shizuko shakes Kohaku and Suika to do the same.

After that, Senku breaks the furnace to check the iron. As Shizuko expected, it failed.

"Manpower is our top priority," Senku said. "The kingdom of science needs more citizens."

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