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I'm back 0o0

Gen sat beside a tree not far from the village. "Man, electricity in this stone age! Seriously." glancing at the sky full of stars. "Right, Tsukasa-chan?"

The sound of bushes rustling broke the silence, making Gen on high alert.

"Huh? You mentioned you had put it here somewhere... Are you sure it's here, Kaori?"

'Kaori?' Gen thought.

"You gotta work more on your memory, Kaori."

'Isn't that Shizuko-chan's voice?' Gen stood up without a sound and went to find Shizuko.

"Ah, here is it." Shizuko picked up a piece of clothing beside some bushes around. "Why are you following me, Asagiri Gen?" Shizuko crossed her arm as she turned around.

"What are you talking about, Shizuko-chan? I am just merely walking here to rest." Gen smiled.

Shizuko looked at him with a 'really?' face.

"Oi Raven!" a sound cut off their conversation.

"Gotta go, Senku's calling." Shizuko walked away.


That night, Senku, Shizuko, Chrome, Kohaku, and Suika gathered inside the shed.

"So you see, Suika, this man called Tsukasa is the one behind Senku's murder and he hurt Shizuko too," Kohaku said.

Senku chuckled. "Though I'm not dead."

"And I'm not really bleeding anywhere." Shizuko shrugged.

"He's seriously bad news. He wanted to stop scientific progress, and he didn't think twice about killing Senku to do it." Chrome said.

"I told you, I'm not dead." Senku deadpanned.

"So that Tsukasa person is a bad man and Gen is with him? Then, Gen's a bad person!" Suika exclaimed. "Wait... But Gen saved us from Magma. He's a good person!"

"He's neither a good person nor a bad person." Shizuko glanced down at Gen from the door who was listening to the conversation.

"He's just a thoroughly shallow bat of a man," Kohaku said.

"It doesn't matter whether Asagiri Gen is a good guy or a bad guy. We need him to be on the side of the kingdom of science." Senku said. "We'll have him make a bogus report to Tsukasa, saying 'Senku is definitely dead and Shizuko's body is never found'. That's the only way we can win."

"Hear that, Gen?" Chrome started shouting. "You saw it, didn't you? The electricity? The insane light of science? Who cares about who wins? Who gives a damn about whether Tsukasa or Senku has the edge? The kingdom of science is just way more fun!"

Gen smiled as he turned his head back to look at Chrome. "Gosh, you're so passionate, young man. Too bad, though. I don't have what you do, Chrome-chan. I'm the most superficial man on earth. All I care about is whether or not something will benefit me."

Back at the shed, Senku and Suika stopped Kohaku from murdering Gen while Chrome and Shizuko looked at Gen who walked away.

Shizuko widen her eyes as she sensed something. She stood up and climbed down the shed.

"Where are you going, Raven?" Senku asked.

"I sensed something wrong." Shizuko looked back at Gen. "I'm going to check."

"Be careful." Senku and Shizuko nodded their head. The 3 primitive villagers looked at them with confusion.

"What does she mean 'sensed something wrong' Senku?" Suika questioned.

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