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Magma and Kinro stood in the field getting ready for their match.

Shizuko looked around to find Yuichi, "Where's Yuichi?" she silently asked.

""Went with Suika."" Kaori said.

"But hey, I just need you to make it to the final match, right?" Ginro asked Kohaku while munching the leaves.

"This is bad!" Mantle running towards them. "Suika-chan fell in the river trying to pick herbs!" he yelled. "She's drowning! You're the quickest, Kohaku-chan, so you'd better go help her before she dies!"

""Lie."" Yuichi said, floating back to Shizuko. ""I went with Suika just now and he tied her with ropes.""

"You're ten billion percent lying, obviously." Senku said.

Mantle felt like the lie didn't work, but still convincing them, "I-I'm not lying. I just happened to pass by her at the river when I saw her!"

Senku and Chrome started to kick Mantle, "how do you know she was there to pick herbs if you just 'happened' to see her at the river?" Chrome asked. "Come back in ten billion years if you want to have a brain battle with the science team, you blatant idiot." Senku said.

Kohaku put a hand on Senku's shoulder for his attention, "I know he's lying, but if there's even the slightest chance that he's not, I'd be letting Suika die."

Senku looked at her, "Kohaku, you're our last stand against Magma. If you bail now..."

"But I'm the only one who can save her. I'm the fastest." Kohaku said. "I know he's lying, but I have to go to the river."

"I can go looking for Suika for you, Kohaku." Shizuko suggested, but Kohaku refused.

Mantle showing a nasty smile at Kohaku.

"You're despicable man, Mantle." Kohaku finished and run off to find Suika.


Shizuko crouch down to Mantle height, "You tied Suika with a rope, isn't Mantle?"

"N-No I didn't!" he exclaimed, waving his hands.

"You stuttered." Shizuko glared. "Do you want to answer that again?"

Mantle noticed someone behind her, the eyes of the person glows dark. "E-Eep!" he screamed and run away.

Shizuko stood up as she watched Mantle ran. "Scardy cat."

"What happened to him?" Senku whispered.

"I think Yuichi scared him away." Shizuko shrugged.


"Round one: Kinro! Magma! Forward!"

"Yeah, but Kohaku went to save Suika." Chrome went to notify Jasper about Kohaku's whereabouts.

"If Kohaku doesn't return in time for her match in Round Three, she'll be disqualified." Said Jasper, the referee.

"Damn it!" Chrome cursed. "Get back quick, Kohaku!"

"Hahahaha, good going, Mantle." Magma laughed.

"Yeah! I had to make doubly sure!" Mantle said. "But the black haired lady seems dangerous, boss-"

"It doesn't matter!" Magma smirked. "Now that Kohaku is gone, there's no one who can defeat me. I, Magma-sama, will be the next village chief and Ruri's husband." he walked to the center of the arena. "Kinro! If you surrender now, I'll make you my right-hand man. I don't dislike strong men. Lick my shoes in front of everyone, here and now! I'll take that as your pledge."

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