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"OH NO!" The loud voice of Chrome woke Shizuko up.

"What?! What happened?!" Shizuko suddenly sits up from her sleep.

"Gen's vanished!" Chrome exclaimed.

"Oh, yeah. I'm sure he went back to Tsukasa." Shizuko yawned.

"But why would he sneak out like that?" Chrome asked.

"That bat bastard better not intend to tell Tsukasa that Senku and Shizuko are alive," Kohaku said.

"This is bad, Senku. We have to go after him." Chrome frowned.

"We have to catch the bat bastard, quick." Kohaku started running before Senku catches her.

"Hold it!"

Kohaku tripped and landed on top of Senku, "Why are you stopping me, Senku? We have to catch the bat bastard!" she asked.

Senku smirked. "We can leave him be. If Gen really didn't have a millimeter of interest in science, he never would have cooperated, to begin with. He'd already made up his mind on whose said he was on when I made electricity." he stood up. "But as a superficial man, he has his superficial ways of saving face."

"Men are such a pain in the ass, in any era." Kohaku sighed.

"This is making me thirsty for a drink. Like, say, cola."

"Can you make it in this stone world, Senku-chan? Can you make a bottle of cola?"

"Yeah, I can. Even if no one else can."

"So Gen's joining the kingdom of science?" Chrome asked.

"Yeah. I'm sure he'll wander back like nothing happened," Senku said.

"Ha! Looks like the first battle between the Tsukasa Empire and the kingdom of science, the fight for Asagiri Gen, ends in victory for the kingdom of science." Kohaku smiled.

"Gen is a good person after all!" Suika exclaimed.


"All right, damn it. I'll have to apply science to make Gen a ridiculously chilled bottle of cola in time for when he gets back." Senku smirked.


"Do we have enough material for making cola while making cure-all for Ruri though?" Shizuko slowly climbed down the shed.

"I'm sure we could make more when making the cure-all medicine." Suika smiled.

"All right, so while Gen's out deceiving Tsukasa, let's get started on that cure-all drug," Senku said.

"Yeah! What are we making with science next?" Chrome asked.

"There's a material that's just as important for building a civilization as iron. The first man-made material in history, synthesized using science... Glass."

"What's that? Aren't we gonna make all sorts of drugs now that we have electricity and all that?" Chrome asked.

"Yeah, we are. Clay pots are no longer going to cut it for our happy chemistry experiments if we want to make the cure-all sulfa drugs. Glass can stand up to just about any chemical. Glass is the foundation of chemistry." Senku said. "Ten billion percent easy to process! Yet it's tough as hell and durable! You can even see through it, which means you can observe the chemicals inside."

"Really? Yabe!"

"To top it all off, once we have glass, we might finally get a chance to yank that headpiece off of Great Detective Suika and see her true face," Senku smirked and yank her watermelon off her head.

"Wait, Senku! Suika doesn't want her face to be seen!" Kohaku ran to them and took the watermelon from his hand.

"Take a good look."

"Ooooh! Wow, Suika! You're perfectly adorable!" Kohaku awed.

It didn't last long until Suika squinted her eyes like an old woman.

"What the hell?!" Kohaku and Chrome exclaimed as they widen their eyes.

"I have the fuzzy sickness in my eyes. Everything looks fuzzy to me, so I ended up looking like this when I try really hard to see, and it's embarrassing..." Suika put back her watermelon on her head and smiled. "But with the mask, for some reason, it's a little easier to see!"

"It's like the pinhole effect?" Shizuko asked.

Senku nodded. "If you look at an object through a small hole, the light passing through it narrows, bringing it into focus," he explained.

"What does glass have to do with Suika's fuzzy sickness?" Chrome asked.

"It has ten billion percent to do with it!" Senku said. He then turned to Suika, "Listen up, Suika. You're nearsighted as hell. That's not a disease. It's not even a defect. In a technological civilization, it doesn't even bother anyone. We have eyes of science, made from glass. They're called glasses, and they solve everything."

"Science users can make eyes? That's so amazing." Suika asked.


"If I could, I'd love to see the beauty of the world, too. Even if it's just once." Tears starting to fall. "I want to meet you guys without the fuzziness. I want to meet the real you, just once."

"All right, let's make this glass stuff!"

"Yeah! What do we need to gather, Senku?"

"Glass is made mostly from quartz sand. I didn't see any in the Chrome collection, actually."

"I'm not going to collect sand."

"I did see a hint that'll lead us to quartz sand, though," Senku smirked.


"Are you sure you want to come along, Shizuko?" Kohaku asked while holding Shizuko's arm to not let her fall.

Shizuko nodded with a smile, "Yes, Kohaku. Besides, I'll get bored when nobody was there with me." she touched her back neck with her free hand, "and my injury isn't that serious anymore."

"Your neck is the weakest from your other exposed body, why bother tying up your hair for not covering up?" Senku asked.

"I have to tie up when working, Senku," Shizuko said. "My hair it's not like your gravity hair."

Chrome leads them to a hill. "This was the place. This is where I found this translucent rock as a kid."

"That little tidbit is worth a ton." Senku pulled out his axe and started to hit the ground. "That translucent rock, that crystal, tends to be found in areas of decayed granite, like this place." he picked up a handful of sand and show it to them. "And all this sand here is the raw material for glass: quartz sand."

The three primitives gasped.

"Yo, the white grains are falling out like crazy!" Chrome smiled.

"This is fun!" Suika chuckled.

"We'll get loads here," Kohaku said.

"Same here," Shizuko added.

"Try to gather the see-through ones," Senku said.


"We grind down all the quartz sand into fine grains. Then we mix it with a bunch of other stuff and melt it in the stove." Senku said.

"What else do we need?" Chrome asked.

"We already have everything we need. Thanks to all of our efforts so far. Ten percent calcium carbonate, or sea shells. Twenty percent cooked seaweed. We used all this stuff we made soap."

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