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Me: *having ideas of Shizuko's clothing*
Also me: *look at the chapter where am I writing*... Is it too early? TvT

"Kohaku, which one is Kinro and Ginro?" Shizuko asked as she approach Kohaku.

"Kinro's the taller one, Ginro's the shorter one." Kohaku pointed. "You don't have to worry about approaching Kinro, but you should be careful when you standing near Ginro."


"I can't stop them! The more I stab, the more appear." Ginro said. "All right then, I'll have to use special technique: 'let someone else handle it!' "

"Is that really a technique?" Shizuko sweatdropped.

"Hey, Chrome, it's sorcery!" Ginro shouted.

"Quit freaking out, Ginro. I'm already here." the boy said as he pointed to the bubbles. "I saw these from the coast, I'd be crazy not to come here right away. " he adjusted the rope on his head and then introduced himself. "Hey! I'm Chrome. I'm an insanely smart, genius sorcerer!"

""That cape looks hideous."" Yuichi said. ""Who wears a cape like that? Scratch that, people don't wear capes in our time anymore.""

""Is that a reference from the Incredible movie?"" Naoki raised an eyebrow as she looked at him.

""Is sure is."" Asami nodded her head.

""Most importantly, who uses 'smart' and 'genius' in the same sentence? Aren't they the same meaning?"" Kaori asked.

Yuichi then laughed like a maniac.

"Looks like we won't have to go find him, Senku, Shizuko," Kohaku said. "This is the man I told you two about yesterday."

"A sorcerer, huh?" Senku said as he picked his ears. "I'm Senku, I'm a scientist." he then pointed at Shizuko. "That's Shizuko, my assistance."

"Eh? Since when did I become your assistant?" Shizuko asked.

"Ever since you appeared in the science lab every week," said Senku.

"Don't let him scare you with his cheap sorcerer, Ginro, Kinro." Chrome said as he popped the bubbles. "You can make plenty of this stuff from coal suds."

"I wasn't scared," Kinro said. "You're a fool if you aren't cautious of the unknown."

"I was pretty scared," Ginro said.

"What are you here, Chrome? I have no interest in relying on your dubious, so-called 'sorcery'." Kinro said.

"I don't care. Do as you like." Chrome tossed out his cape. "But this is one thing I'm not backing down on. No one beat me in sorcery. Don't get in my way, guys."

""Finally, he threw the cape out."" Yuichi said. ""It looks ugly from the very beginning.""

Naoki laughed at his words.

"He just wanted to act cool," Shizuko muttered as she looked at Yuichi. "No need malicious words to the poor boy."

"If we fight here, the villagers could get caught up in it." Chrome said.  "Let's move elsewhere."

Senku and Shizuko walked behind as Chrome led them to his shed.

"Any danger you predicted?" Senku asked.

"Nope." Shizuko shakes her head. "I think it's just a cheap trick he can make. Nothing serious."


Chrome lit up a bonfire in the middle of them. He smiled evilly.

Shizuko nudged Senku and pointed to Chrome's evil face. "Look, he looks like you."

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