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They made it until the next morning.

Senku laying on the ground, exhausted. "Now... We just have to throw in some lead, and we have super see-through lens glass." he picked up the glass and show it to them.


"It's shiny and see-through, like ice!"

"It's like a gem."

"That's a weird-looking tool." Suika pointed at the bamboo machine.

"We'd die if we tried to polish glass by hand," Senku explained.

"We can use that super tough corundum for polishing." Chrome climbs to his shed.

"Glass has a Mohs hardness of about 6. Corundum's is 9."

"Polishing will be a piece of cake!"

'Here they go again with their stone talk.' Kohaku thought. 'I can't keep up with them.'

After that, they started to polish the glass for making Suika's glasses. Kohaku continues training the guards.

"I'll draw some shapes on paper," Shizuko said as she pick up the pencil/coal and started drawing triangles, circles, and squares, from big to small.

Senku tested Suika's eyesight and polished to the right sight.

At last, he put the glasses into the hole.

""Oh, I thought he was gonna make actual glasses for the kid."" Yuichi asked as he glanced at the watermelon.

""Suika didn't want anyone to see her face, so she just continue using the watermelon."" Asami answered.

Senku pick up the watermelon helmet and looked at Shizuko who was probably listening to the spirits' conversation. "You coming?"

Shizuko looked up at him and quickly pick up her pace. "Yeah." she then held Suika's hand. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

They go through the sunflower field and stop in the middle. Shizuko slightly pushed her in front of a sunflower.

"Suika, can you see what's in front of you?" Senku asked.

Suika squinted. "They're just sunflowers. It's not like I can't see at all, you know-" The watermelon helmet suddenly put on her, making her see the visions better. She looked at her surrounding and started to tear out of joy.

"You're both surprisingly good-looking, Senku and Chrome," Suika said.

"What do you mean, 'surprisingly'? Jeez." Chrome sighed while smiling.

"And Shizuko is so pretty!" Suika reached out Shizuko's hand.

"Aww! Thank you, Suika." Shizuko smiled.

Senku chuckled evilly, "Next, we're finally making glass instruments. Now that Suika's labor potential has leveled up super high, we're going to put together a full chemistry set."

Chrome gasped, "Don't call her 'lab potential'! Just let it end as a feel good story!"

Suika and Shizuko looked at the two and laughed.

"What are you two laughing about?!"

[Acquired glass!!]


"It's time for our fun glasswork class! Let's get working!"

"We're throwing these black rocks in, right?" asked Chrome.

"I'm going to keep them coming!" Suika grabbed a pot of obsidian and passed it to the two scientists.

"You've gotten even more nimble, Suika," Chrome said as he noticed her.

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