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"Come back, Senku! "

The rain has stopped.

"It stopped raining. " Taiju said as he stood up. Yuzuriha did the same.

"The thunderstorm that was keeping us camouflaged is gone. Don't raise your voice. If Tsukasa hears us, we'll be instantly screwed."

"You're right! " Taiju exclaimed.

"He's not coming, isn't he? " Yuzuriha asked as she looked around her surrounding.

They both realize and then gasped at the familiar voice.

"I'm impressed you noticed my neck. I hardly gave you a speck of hint. " Senku smirked. "Taiju, Yuzuriha, you both get ten billion points. "



Taiju quickly hugs Senku too hard, causing Senku to kick Taiju off. "Nevermind my critical nerve, you just crushed my entire body! I'll kill you! " He smiled. "I'm sure you know not to, but don't go thanking me for every little thing. I won't thank you, either. "

"Welcome back, Senku-kun. " Yuzuriha smiled, trying not to tear up.

"Anyway, how's Shizuko? " Senku asked as he walked up to the unconscious Shizuko.

"Yuzuriha said she got hit on her neck really hard. Is she going to wake up? " Taiju concerned.

"Don't know. " Senku frowned. "From Tsukasa's strength, she might be awake after a day. " he inspected the bruise on her back neck.

"Hope she'll wake up soon. " Yuzuriha prays.

Speak of the devil, and she shall wake up. Senku noticed her eyelids twitching.

"Shizuko? " Senku holds her shoulder. "Shizuko can you hear me? "

"Ughnn…"  Shizuko slowly opens her eyes. "What... Happened? "

"Shizuko! " Taiju and Yuzuriha beamed and hugged her.

Shizuko widen her eyes as she looked at her surrounding. "Senku? Taiju? Yuzuriha? "

"Welcome back, Shizuko. " Senku smirked. "We thought we have to wait for 2 days to get you to wake up. "

""Shizuko! "" Asami and the others cried as they hug her.

"What happened while I was knocked out? " She asked, then looked at Senku. "Did you tell Tsukasa the recipe of revival fluid? "

Before Senku could answer, Yuzuriha said, "He did. He has no choice, or Tsukasa going to kill him."

Shizuko widens her eyes. "What? "

"But don't worry! " Yuzuriha quickly comforted her. "He has a small fragment of purification at the back of his neck and we healed him! "

"It's no big deal-"

"You died and it's no big deal?! " Shizuko exclaimed.

"Hey! For your information, you were the one who got knocked out first! " Senku argued.

"I did to protect you from Tsukasa! " Shizuko groaned, and decided not to continue arguing. "But still, I'm glad you're back and alive. " she sighed.

Senku smirked as he ruffled her hair. "I appreciate that then."


Yuzuriha took out a flag with stitches on it and showed them. "Don't you think the shape on this flag kind of looks like a rocket? "

"There are star-looking things too! " Taiju exclaimed.

"They don't look anything like it. " Senku said bluntly.

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