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"Mother, I'm back. Senku and Taiju are here too. " Shizuko greeted as she walked in.

"Sorry for disturbing. " the boys said.

"Oh, hey dear, hello boys! How's the first day of school? " Mrs Kurosawa asked.

"Bunch of homework. " Shizuko sighed. "Anyway, where's he? "

"The living room. " Mrs Kurosawa said as she leads the 3. There's a pen and a paper on the table.

"Kaori, how's the boy? " Shizuko asked.

'He's calm right now. ' Kaori wrote.

"Can he touch anything? " Shizuko said as she sits across them, Senku and Taiju copied her, sitting beside her.

'He can't, he can only write with his hands. '

"Mhmm... " Shizuko put her hands on her chin. "Aha, come to the backyard! "

Shizuko leads 4 of them to the backyard, she still has the sand place when she was a kid. She flattens the sand and called the boy over. 4 of them look at her and observed.

"Hey, what's your name? " Shizuko asked.


"Alright, Yuichi. Do you want to see your family once last time? "

Yuichi draws a cross. He doesn't want it.

"Is your parents still alive or died from the fire building? "

'Alive. They were getting out from the fire. '

"How old are you Yuichi? "


"Do you want to go somewhere else? "

Yuichi draws a cross again.

"Alright then, you can stay with me. You already meet Kaori, this is Asami. " Shizuko pointed as she said. "That is my mother, you probably met her. " Shizuko said. "And last, the boys are Senku and Taiju. If you need help to talk to mother, just ask Kaori or Asami to get the sand for you. "

Yuichi nodded his head as he understands. Kaori leads him to the kitchen as Mrs Kurosawa followed behind. She can see Kaori because she is wearing an apron.

"Are you going to bring him to school? " Senku asked, raised an eyebrow.

"Probably not, I'll observe him at home first. " Shizuko replied. "Just like I met Kaori the first time, she isn't a talkative person, so I put her to help my mother. "

"Woah! So that means your mom can have a helping hand! " Taiju exclaimed.

"Yeah, that probably the only one of the advantage of having ghosts in the house. " Shizuko deadpanned. "Anyway, do you guys want to do homework in my room? "

"Sure. "


Then after meeting Yuichi, he became happier and happier. Kaori said he's open up to the family now. After a few weeks, his mindset becomes a 15-year-old boy than being an actual 25-year-old man. Shizuko tried to take Yuichi to her school once, but he keeps disturbing her classmates.

"Yuichi, you can't keep disturbing my classmates when the teacher is teaching. " Shizuko said, crossing her arms.

They are staying with Senku at the lab after school.

"Hey Senku, you said you want dolls for the experiment! " Taiju said as he comes into the lab with a girl with her. "This is Ogawa Yuzuriha. "

"It's really embarrassing to make a doll of myself. " Yuzuriha scratched her neck. "I've been wondering, who is she? " she said as she pointed at the black-haired doll.

Senku pointed at Shizuko, who is crossing her arms talking to Yuichi. "Oi Raven! "

"Yeah? " she turns her head to them.

"This is Ogawa Yuzuriha, Yuzuriha, this is Kurosawa Shizuko! " Taiju introduced.

"Oh! You're Shizuko! Nice to meet you! " Yuzuriha shake Shizuko's hands.

"Likewise. " Shizuko nodded. "Anyways, what brings you here? "

"Taiju-kun said his friend needs dolls for the experiment, so here am I! " she smiles.

"Woah, you can make dolls? " Shizuko asked.

Yuzuriha nodded her head. "I can make all kinds of dolls! What kind of dolls do you want in your mind? "

Shizuko tapped her chin and smirked. "A voodoo doll shaped like Senku-"

"You're not letting Yuzuriha make a voodoo doll of me. " Senku cut off Shizuko as he pulls her arm. "Come on, we need to test the rocket model. "

"Eh? " Yuzuriha sweatdropped.

Taiju walked to her. "Don't worry about Shizuko, she is always like that when we're kids. " he smiles.

"You three are very close huh? " Yuzuriha asked.

"Yeah! Ever since Shizuko move her house next to Senku when we're 8! " Taiju exclaimed.

Then, the chalk moved on its own. The chalk is writings something on the blackboard.

"T-T-Taiju-kun, " Yuzuriha called as she pointed at the blackboard. "Am I the only one seeing the chalk moves on its own? "

"Chalk moved on it's on? " Taiju asked as he faces the blackboard. "Oh, it's probably Asami. "

The chalk wrote. 'Where's Shizuko? '

"Oh! Shizuko got dragged by Senku for the rocket experiment! " Taiju replied.

'Thank you. '

"Your welcome! " Taiju smiled as the blackboard eraser erased the writing.

"Taiju-kun, is that a ghost? " Yuzuriha asked.

"Yeah! Asami always followed Shizuko. " Taiju said as he lead Yuzuriha to Shizuko and Senku is.

"Why did she reveals herself? " Yuzuriha asked.

"Mhm... " Taiju tapped his chin. "I remember Shizuko said something like, if Asami finds someone we can be friends with without any problem to Shizuko, she'll reveal herself as the first ghost. "

"First ghost?! " Yuzuriha shocked. "There's another ghost?! "

"Yeah! It's no big deal anyway! " Taiju exclaimed. "There's Kaori, she's only 15 when she died from a car accident, we witnessed that incident when we're 8, and there's Yuichi, we met him last a few weeks ago died from the fire building. "

"Oh. Poor them. " Yuzuriha prayed. "How did you talk to them? "

"Well, Shizuko mentioned that Asami and Kaori can lift things, but Yuichi doesn't have that ability. " Taiju said. "Senku said he got to talk to Asami for the first time with pen and paper when he first met her. "

"Oh, that's wonderful! " Yuzuriha beamed. "Can I meet Kaori? "

"Sure! " Taiju said. "We're going to Shizuko's house for doing homework anyway. Shizuko doesn't mind you tag along! "

A/N: Senku sees Shizuko as a little sister, don't think anything dirty :)

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