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Tsukasa was shocked as he saw Shizuko jump off his grasp. He looked at Shizuko, and questioned her, "what are you? A dancer? "

"Ha! Dancer? Do I look like one? " Shizuko said as she patted off the dirt on her dress.

"Shizuko-chan! Are you okay?! " Yuzuriha rushed to her side.

"I'm fine, Yuzuriha. " Shizuko said.

Tsukasa eyed Senku. "You call yourself logical, but you have friends that are precious to you. I have plenty of admirers, but I have no one I'd call friends. "

"I hate attention. " Shizuko muttered. "If you want the recipe, fight me first! " she stands in a fighting position.

"Oi! You can't fight that much! " Senku yelled in a whisper.

"I know. That's why we can't let him know the recipe. " Shizuko said.

Shizuko runs straight to Tsukasa with her small knife, with no fighting experience, trying to stab him. Tsukasa Immediately slapped the knife away with one hand easily, and another hand hit her neck, knocking her out in the process.

"Shizuko! " Senku exclaimed as he saw her knocked out, laying on the ground. His eyes widen as he saw her body didn't move a bit. "You... ! "

If Shizuko falls into a very deep sleep, it's very hard to wake her up. Senku doesn't want to experience that second time.

When they were 12, Shizuko, Senku, and Taiju were buying groceries with Byakuya for Shizuko's mother. Unfortunately, they lost Byakuya on the way and decided to find him. A crazy man suddenly took Shizuko hostage due to she was the shortest of the group.

"Senku! Taiju! " Shizuko exclaimed.

"Hey! What are you doing?! Let her go! " Taiju shouted.

"Girls are nothing but useless! " the crazy man yelled, causing the attention of the crowd. "Why do girls exist?! "

The crowd do nothing until the crazy man took a knife from his back and started threatening them.

A kind man stopped him. "Oi! They said to let her go! " he tried to take to knife away, but got hurt instead.

The crazy man laughed. He cut off Shizuko's back hair and hit her neck, knocking her out. He pushed her to the ground. Senku and Taiju widen their eyes.

Senku was angry. He always saw her as a little sister. But right now he felt so useless.

Before the crazy man took more action, a policeman got there in time and used a stun gun to shock him.

Shizuko had been taken to the hospital after that. The doctor said she doesn't have any serious injuries, but she was knocked out from getting hit on her neck causing her to fall into a deep sleep.

Shizuko had woken up 2 days later, much to their relief. But Senku still doesn't forgive himself and promises he'll look after her.
[Flashback end]

"Shizuko-chan! " Yuzuriha exclaimed, hands covering her mouth.

""No! Shizuko! "" Asami and Kaori rushed to her side.

"I win, Senku. " Tsukasa said.

Senku sighed, there's no way to go. "The revival fluid is a compound of nitric acid and alcohol, filter the miracle water from the cave and mix it with alcohol that's been distilled up to as close to 96% as you can get it. The ratio is 30% miracle water to 70% alcohol. If you're off by so much as a few percent, the reaction won't happen, so fine-tune it using a petrified swallow feather. "

Tsukasa smiled. "Thank you, Senku. I no longer have a reason to let you live."

(Literally, f u Tsukasa)


Taiju still collecting the branches, unknown what happened there.

"This should be enough. " Taiju said. He looked up to the sky and found three smoke signals.

"They must be responding to the three shots we fired with the gunpowder! " Taiju exclaimed. "There's no mistake! There are people! "

He runs to the Hakone. "Senku! Yuzuriha! Shizuko! "


Tsukasa jumped down and faced Senku. Yuzuriha quickly rushed to Shizuko, checking her health.

"If I let you live, you would let civilization develop. Will you promise that you won't do that? " Tsukasa asked.

"What the hell are you talking about? Why would I ever keep a promise like-"

Tsukasa cut off Senku. "No, you would never lie. Not to science," he said. "Will you promise here and now, for all eternity, that you'll abandon science? " he asked. "If you do, I won't have to kill you, Senku. "

A flashback of Senku's childhood how he wanted to be an astronaut, how he learn science, and how he met Taiju and Shizuko. The failures of the rocket model, the accidents the three of them made. When they met Yuzuriha in middle school, the rocket building succeed.

'I'm going to space, I'm going immediately. '

"Senku, I'd rather not kill you if I can help it. I'll ask you again, will you promise me here and now, that you'll abandon science? " Tsukasa asked.

"I can't do that. " Senku answered.

Tsukasa took a deep breath, and look at Senku. "I thought that would be your answer. "

Senku laughed. "What are you babbling about? You were going to kill me at some point, no matter how I'd answered. " Senku said. "To be on the safe side. "

"Perhaps. "

Senku cracked his neck. "Do it in one blow. Making me bleed out forever wouldn't be logical for either of us. "

"Don't worry. I'll burst your cervical nerve in a single blow. " Tsukasa said. "You'll be knocked unconscious instantly, and then you'll die. I won't make you suffer. I promise not to miss it. "

Yuzuriha gasped as she wished Taiju could quickly come. 'Taiju-kun...'


Taiju seems to hear her. "Yuzuriha... Senku! Shizuko! " he dropped the branches and rushed up there.


"Senku, if we'd met 3,700 years ago... If we'd met before this planet become a stone world... You may have been my first friend. " Said Tsukasa.

"Maybe. "

Taiju runs as fast as he can, yelling Senku's name.

With one swing on his neck, Senku fell unconscious.

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