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Back to the story we go!
Kinda short though

"Listen up, Senku! "

Taiju barged into the science lab as he shouts. All of them look at Taiju with confusion.

"I've made up my mind. I'm going to confess the feelings I've had for Yuzuriha for the past five years! " he exclaimed, clenching his fist with courage.

"Yeah? " the green-haired scientist answered bluntly not even taking a glance at him. "Well, that sure sounds interesting. " he looks at Taiju with a very stoic face. "I'll be cheering for you so hard that my vocal cords could snap from here in this science lab," he said sarcastically.

"You will? " he asked excitedly, walking towards Senku a little closer while the boy only did his work. "Thank you Senku! " he said.

"Shut up, I'm not cheering one millimeter for you, you big oaf. " Senku replied, putting his pinky finger into his ear.

"What? Make up your mind! " he exclaimed.

"No wonder Yuzuriha called me yesterday night saying she's really nervous. " a voice cut off the boys' conversation.

"Eh? Why are you here, Shizuko? " Taiju asked, looking at Shizuko who is sitting under the table.

"Hiding," she said as she covered her head over the hood. "From the student council. "

"Just register the science club then you won't have to hide anymore, Raven. " Senku deadpanned. "You can't keep hiding. Besides, I'm the science president, you can be the vice president. "

"I can't. " Shizuko said. "I'm not that smart as you, you know. "

Senku sighed as he turns back to Taiju. "And you still haven't said anything for five years? How illogic can you be, idiot? I've got something for you that is logic as hell. " Senku said as he passes him an experiment apparatus.

Senku smirked. "Here, a drug that will stimulate your pheromone output to the max. " he grinned evilly.

The girls just gasp, knowing what's inside the apparatus.

"A love portion if you will. Take this, and you're set ten billion percent. " he continues and smirked at him.

Taiju took and observed it a while, then poured all the chemicals into the sink.

"Thank you, Senku, but sorry. I can't rely on cheap tricks," he said as he walked towards the door.

"Good luck Taiju. " Shizuko muttered as she stands up from her hiding.

"Seriously Senku? A love potion? " one of the club members asked.

"Like those even exist. " Shizuko said as Senku threw a lit match into the sink where the chemical drained.

"It's just gasoline, I refined it from plastic bottle caps. Think about the molecular structure of polyethylene, moron. " Senku stated bluntly as two males close by the sink flinched in surprise as the fire burst out from the sink.

"It's a long gasoline molecule with few hydrocarbons chopped off. You can tell by looking at it. " Senku continue explained.

"So, wouldn't Taiju-kun die if he drank it? " one of them asked.

"I was ten billion percent he wouldn't drink it. "He smirked, looking at the two. "Not that straight-laced idiot. "

"I already predicted he won't drink that. " Shizuko sigh. "But I'm sure he will get Yuzuriha as his future girlfriend. " she grinned.


"A hundred yen says he gets rejected. " the brown-haired male with round glasses bet.

"Three hundred yes says he gets rejected hard. " said the raven-haired male.

"Five hundred yen says he gets rejected at full power. " another raven hair boy with glasses said.

"Ten thousand yen says he actually doesn't get rejected. " Senku said, placing an unexpected bet as he drinking the energy drink. The boys were shocked.

"Ten thousand yen for me too. " Shizuko said as she appeared behind Senku.

"Shizuko-chan! You too?! " the boys exclaimed.

"Stop whining. Can't the future predictor put a bet? " Shizuko grinned.

Future predictor is another nickname her classmate gave her. Shizuko can only predict the future dangerous scene, helped her classmates avoid a lot of danger.

"So future predictor, " Senku asked. "Which danger did you predict next? "

Shizuko saw a green light appeared out of nowhere in the sky.

"That, is the next danger we are meeting. " Shizuko pointed.

"What the hell is that? " the brown-haired boy asked.

Before Senku could grab Shizuko, they had turned into stones.

Not just them, everyone in the world had turned into stone.

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