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(This is her dress, it got me thinking a lot of time (・∀・) )

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(This is her dress, it got me thinking a lot of time (・∀・) )

Surprisingly, Shizuko came back with a full basket of mushrooms, and a few dead rabbits on her hands.

"Oh, you're back. What did you get...? Ah? " Senku widens his eyes as he saw what did Shizuko collected. "How did you...? "

"You didn't tell me how much we need. " Shizuko shrugged.

"No, not that. " Senku pointed at the rabbits. "That. "

"The rabbits? " Shizuko raised her hands. "Yeah, uh, Asami and Kaori may or may not have helped me... " she sweatdropped.

"I forgot they followed you. " Senku sighed.

"But the good thing is, we won't have to worry about meat. " Shizuko said.

Taiju just got back from smashing the grapes then he saw her.

"Woah! Shizuko! You got a lot of rabbits too! " Taiju exclaimed. "I didn't know you're this strong! "

"Asami and Kaori had helped me. " Shizuko said. "I'm not that strong. " she shrugged. "It's pretty late now, are you guys hungry? "

"Yeah! " Taiju beamed. "We're eating meat! "

Senku just shrugged and picked his ear. "Sure, we haven't had meat for a while. "


"Ahhh! I'm full now! "

After they ate the rabbits, their stomach fulled.

"Did you get salt from the sea? " Shizuko asked.

"10 billion points, Raven! " Senku replied.

"No wonder it tastes a bit salty. " Shizuko said.

"Woah! How did you know that?! " Taiju exclaimed.

"I'm didn't lose my taste for 3700 years, Taiju. " Shizuko deadpanned.


It's been three weeks after the alcohol was done.

"I thought of something, underage drinking is a crime too. " Taiju said while he poured the alcohol in a small pot.

"Kukuku, not a problem! " Senku lifted his cup with his pinky finger out. "After all, we're both over 3700 years old. "

"Oh yeah, that's right. " Shizuko put her hand on her chin. Taiju started laughing afterward.

They started drinking. Taiju spits out after he drinks a few sips, while Senku just enjoys drinking. Shizuko just observed the alcohol after she drinks a few small sips.

"Not bad. It's better than I expected. " Senku said. "That's 10 billion times worst on the market though. "

"That was so easy, just stomping grapes and waiting around? " Taiju asked.

"One step at the time. Though I hate to say it, our pace slowed down. " Senku smirked while he cracked his neck. "This will be a course of distilling wine for dummies, our goal is to get some brandy. "

Shizuko glanced at Senku with confusion. 'Does the cracking neck become a new habit of his? '

"Distilling, huh? " Taiju jumped out from the treehouse while Senku and Shizuko get down from the ladder. "No idea what that means! "

"I knew you said that, is heating, cooling, and dripping. That'll concentrate the alcohol. " Senku explained. "Don't worry, people back at age of Mesopotamia will doing this with clay pots and 3000 bc. "

"Um, Senku...? " Shizuko spotted a leak from the pot.

Senku ignored and continue to explain. "And if they can do it, and so can we! Now get excited Taiju, Shizuko-" the pot suddenly blows up and the grape juice spilled on the ground and Senku's shirt.

"Pfft-" Shizuko laughed.

Senku glared at her. "Don't. "

Taiju just patted Senku's back with sympathy.


That night Shizuko helped washed Senku's shirt while he was remaking another pot. Taiju prepared the mushroom for Senku to eat.

Days after day, Shizuko sometimes goes food hunting with Taiju, sometimes helping Senku in the lab.

Winter comes, Shizuko manages to make a thicker coat for herself. She also made Senku's and Taiju's too.

Taiju had grown a beard during these months. Shizuko's hair had been growing longer to her shoulder these months too. Sometimes Taiju will visit Yuzuriha with Shizuko.

Taiju patted off the snow from Yuzuriha statue. "Ah, I miss you, Yuzuriha. "

"We'll revive her, someday. " Shizuko comforted him.

Taiju nodded while touching his beard.

"Oh, you've grown a lot beard these months, Taiju. " Shizuko pointed.

"Mh? " Taiju looked. "Yeah, I should probably shave it off. "

"Well, we can ask Senku. " Shizuko said.

Senku takes the two of them near the ice rink, he dug out a clam and showed Taiju how to plug out the beard. In the end, Taiju's lower face becomes red and puffy, causing Senku and Shizuko laughed.


Winter's over, summer had come. 3 of them poured the revival fluid on the stoned bird to test it out, but it doesn't happen. Senku though it still can't succeed as he kicks one of the pots with frustration, but a feather had been free from petrification.

They walked out of the laboratory. "Listen up, big oaf, Raven. Lesson one: there's not a thing science can't be explained, not in the least. " Senku said while pouring the revival fluid on a stoned bird.

3 of them watching the bird depetrified.

"There's rules behind everything that happened. Science is just the name for the steady, pain in the ass effort that goes into finding out what they are," said Senku.

Taiju and Shizuko watched the bird fly with awe.

"WOOOAAAAHH! AAAAAHHHHH! " Taiju screamed in excitement.

"Stop screaming. " Shizuko muttered, covered her ears.

Senku sighed as he sat down. 'Only one year since I started experimenting, it didn't take as long as I thought. ' he thought, looking at the sky. "It's a slow but steady effort, I'm going to beat fantasy with science, it's my only weapon. " he smiled.

"Oh yeah, get excited. "

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