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"Big news!" Suika exclaimed as she came back the next morning. "I found out who it was!"

"Good going, Great Detective Suika," Senku smirked while still brushing his teeth.

"I know who's behind the murder of Asagiri Gen and Shizuko!"

"Uh, they are not dead, you know." Kohaku sweatdropped.

"So who was it?" Senku asked.

Suika explained the night she found and turns out it was Magma who did it.

"Magma did it? That bastard!"

"I see... Asagiri Gen made those flowers disappear before their eyes. From Magma's perspective, Gen is the rumored outsider sorcerer that I brought with me." Kohaku said.

"So Magma stabbed Gen because he mistook him for Senku?" Chrome asked.

"It's a real result that Magma believes my strength is due to sorcery, though." Kohaku frowned.

"Well, you have the raw power of an actual gorilla. So you're a legit gorilla." Chrome deadpanned.

Not surprisingly, he made Kohaku mad again.

"So why is Magma looking for an opportunity to kill you, Kohaku?" Senku asked.

"Probably... No, definitely because of the Grand Bout." Kohaku explained. "Once every generation, the village holds a large martial arts battle called the Grand Bout."

"So that's what that arent-looking thing on the far island is for."

"Several months ago, on the day that the village priestess, Ruri-nee, came of age... The winner of the Grand Bout was to wed her and become the village elder. That's also how my father became the current village elder." Kohaku continues to explain.

"Kukuku, Is this why your old man, the elder, disowned you?" Senku asked.

"No... Well, that was the last straw, but..."

"Kohaku has caused a ton of trouble ever since she was little." Chrome cut off her word.

"Of course, the Grand Bout is set to be redone," Kohaku said. "It's going to be held next month."

"Are you saying Magma killed Gen to win the Grand Bout?" Chrome asked.

"Eh?! So Gen and Shizuko are dead?!" Suika panicked.

"No, they are not dead," Kohaku said again.

"Wouldn't it be really bad news if a guy like him became the elder?" Chrome frowned.

"Yeah, if Magma were to become the elder, it might be hard to even get the medicine to Ruri." Senku sweatdropped.

"It's also an opportunity, if a man from the kingdom of science defeats Magma and wins the Grand Bout, marries Ruri-nee, and becomes the elder, it'll solve everything," Kohaku said. "Rounding up citizens for the kingdom of science and giving Ruri-nee the cure-all medicine would be easy."


"Kinro, Ginro, there's something I want to ask you. How do you view Ruri-nee? Would you like to take her as your wife?" Kohaku asked.

"I-I've never even thought about it. But Ruri-chan- Ruri-sama is pretty, and I mean her face is almost the same as yours, but she's busty- I mean she's really graceful and cute, and she has big round eyes..." Ginro blushed.

"All you've talked about is about her face." Kinro looked at his brother with disappointment. "Do you only ever look at a girl's appearance? You're utterly shallow, Ginro."

"C-Come on, I said she's bus- she's bu- she's graceful!"

Kinro turned back to the three. "My answer is simple. The gatekeeper doesn't ask questions. Rules are rules. But listening to one murmur to themselves is not against the rules. I already understand that Senku and Shizuko aren't evil. You can skip the explanation, as usual. What's your objective?"

Kohaku looked up to the sky with hope in her eyes. "I want to save my sister's life."

A simple sentence had moved the guards.

"All right."

"You don't need to explain further."


"Too shallow! Do you really think you can defeat Magma like that?" Kohaku shouted.

"Let's take a break!"

"No! Finish three more sets first!"

"Hold it!" Kohaku glanced at Chrome who sat in the shed thinking. "Chrome. I'd really prefer to train you more than anyone. But Kinro and Ginro are the only ones who have a chance of defeating Magma. I'm sorry."

"Yo Chrome, she's being all 'Sorry, sorry!' about our plan to get Kinro or Ginro to marry Ruri because you're in love with her," Senku smirked.

"You're as brutal as ever." Kohaku sweatdropped.

Chrome smiled. "Yeah, I'm totally cool with that. I can ask for nothing more than the cure-all science drug to save Ruri so she can live a good life. I'm the genius sciencer, after all."

"Job-changing from a sorcerer to a scientist, huh?" Senku smirked.

"Yeah, I'm not calling myself a sorcerer anymore."

"Let's let the battle team deal with the Grand Bout while we, the science team, focus on making the sulfa drug."

"Heck yeah!"


That night, they went back to the shed for treating Gen and Shizuko's injuries.

"I plan on participating in the Grand Bout," Kohaku said. "The kingdom of science team with Kinro, Ginro, and me will do whatever it takes to stop Magma's victory."

"Yeah." Chrome noticed Gen was not good. "Hey Gen, are you alright?"

"His recovery is going to take a long time at this rate," Kohaku said.

"Which means..."

"Yeah, we have a short time limit before Tsukasa comes to kill us," Senku smirked.


3 heads turned to the voice with surprise.

"Neck hurts as hell..." Shizuko lifted her arm to touch her neck but was stopped by Senku.

"Don’t, the medicine I just put is still on your wounds." Senku put back her arm.

"Shizuko!" Kohaku and Chrome exclaimed.

"Woah!" Shizuko glanced at the two, then her eyes landed on Gen. "Oh right, how is Gen?"

"He's not looking great, but he needs to go back before Tsukasa comes to check," Senku said as he checked her injury. "Rest. We have a plan tomorrow."

"How are you so calm after Shizuko got attacked?" Chrome asked after getting Shizuko to fall asleep again.

"I managed," Senku answered bluntly. "She's not the type of getting herself in a fight when she wants to, but she still knows when the danger comes." he glanced at her. "Though she can manage herself in a simple fight, maybe when the time comes Kohaku can teach her how to fight properly."

"Yabee, that's so cool!" Chrome exclaimed.

Senku snickered. "Yeah, that's Raven for you."


A sound of shuffling made Shizuko awake. She open her eyes and found Gen was ready to leave.

"Leaving already?" she whispered.

Gen glanced at her with a small smile, "unfortunately, I have to. Or else Tsukasa-chan going to come here himself." he whispered back.

Shizuko snickered before continue sleeping, "see you at the Grand Bout then."

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