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The next day, as usual, Taiju keep collecting seashells. Tsukasa standing in the sea while Senku and Shizuko sitting at the back.

"We're free in this stone world. Shells never belonged to anyone. " Tsukasa picked up a pink seashell. "The same goes for the sea and the land. "

There was a few seconds of silence.

"There was once a poor boy who tried to make a necklace out of seashells for his younger sister, who was undergoing surgery. " Tsukasa said, Senku and Shizuko looked at him.

“A young boy was collecting seashells. ”

"His loved 'The Little Mermaid'. But then, a middle-aged man who owned the fishing rights to that spot arrived, and with him, the stench of liquor. "

“The middle-aged man punched the young boy. ”

"The boy who was collecting shells...or rather, according to the man, the boy who was 'stealing' shells, was beaten so badly that his face was unrecognizable. He was never able to help his sister be like the Little Mermaid. "

Anger took upon him, Tsukasa smashed the seashell on his hand, then punched off the statue's head, rolled in front of Senku and Shizuko.

"May the man rest in peace. " Shizuko muttered.

"You do know what you're doing, don't you, Tsukasa? " Senku asked. "You just killed a man. "

"I know that, of course. " Tsukasa turned to face him. "Senku, do you intended to bring back everyone, including the grown-ups, whose hearts are tainted? "

"Sure, they'll be grateful to you at first. But as soon as civilization returns, the rich and powerful seniors will say, 'that used to be my land' 'pay your rent' 'pay your taxes'. They'll rob the poor youth of our future again. We must not bring that world back. "

"This is the stone world, an untainted paradise. We'll revive only the pure-hearted youth, and live in a natural world owned by no one. It's a chance to purify humanity. Don't you agree, Senku, Shizuko? " Tsukasa look at them with a pair of fierce eyes.

When Tsukasa was about to punch another statue, Senku stopped him.

"Not at all. Not even a millimeter. I'm a technology-loving boy who gets excited over mechs and space and Doraemon and kind of stuff like that. " he smirked. "I'm trying to use the power of science to rescue every single person. "

'This guy is seriously bad news. Then again, if we hadn't woken him up, we would've been killed by the lions. I guess we didn't really have a choice. ' he thought. 'He wants to help out the youth too, so I'm sure he'll stay under control until he learns the recipe for the revival fluid. Even if it kills me, I have to keep quiet about the miracle fluid in the cave. '

Unfortunately, things didn't go out as planned.

"Hey! " Taiju screamed. "Good news! Senku, Shizuko, Tsukasa! We have a full pot of miracle fluid from the cave! " he raised the small pot to the air. "We can finally revive Yuzuriha! "

Senku was shocked with a weird face.

"Taiju, you absolute idiot..." Shizuko muttered.

This cause Tsukasa's attention. "What's this 'miracle fluid' you speak of? "

Senku cracked his neck. "Let's not waste time standing here explaining it. It'll be ten billion times faster to just show you. You better feel honored to see this. Time to enjoy the humanity revival show. " he smirked.

Shizuko walked to his side and asked quietly. "Are you sure about this, Senku? "

"Heh, I already have a plan in my head right now. " Senku replied her quietly.


Four of them went back to the treehouse. Taiju was putting on the dress Shizuko made. Senku was distilling the revival fluid while Tsukasa organizing the spears.

"It's alright, Yuzuriha. We're going to save you for real this time! " Taiju exclaimed as he holding his long-time crush. "Gotta thanks Shizuko for making the dress for Yuzuriha! "

"It's no problem, Taiju. " Shizuko said.

"What the hell? " Senku exclaimed as he distilled the nitric acid. "This is just short for enough revival fluid for one person. "

"What?! Did I take it out too soon?! " Taiju exclaimed. 

"Tsukasa and I will play word games or something while you go get more. " Senku said and eyed Tsukasa. "So make a mad dash, big oaf. "

"Thanks! I'll be right back! " Taiju started to run. "I'll go full speed! "

Tsukasa suddenly grabbed Taiju's shirt from the back with his strong hands. "In that case, I'll go, since I'm the fastest. So would you mind telling me where this miracle fluid is? "

Senku smirked. 'I should've known he'd catch on. If he learns where the source of the revival fluid is, there's a ten billion percent chance he's going to be able to stop. My operation: let's have every last human. ' he thought after Tsukasa was dashed off to the miracle cave.

Shizuko had walked back to the treehouse before Tsukasa went out and noticed her, and prepared another pot of the revival fluid recipe, waiting for Senku's instructions.

Senku made a fake yawn and asked. "Did Tsukasa leave? "

"Yeah, in the blink of an eye. " Taiju answered. "He's as fast as you'd thi-"

"Raven! " Senku yelled.

"Yes! " Shizuko jumped out the treehouse and pass the pots to him. "Here! "

This made Taiju shocked.

"Let's make the revival fluid and bring Yuzuriha back right away, while Tsukasa isn't here. " Senku said, immediately making the revival fluid at the speed of light.

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