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I'll be starting to introduce how she met the ghosts in these chapters, then go back to the story-

"So who are Asami and Kaori you speak of? "

They are going back home from school. Taiju asked Shizuko as Senku lead them to his house.

"My friends. " Shizuko said shortly. "Senku, I'm going to change my clothes. I'll come back here soon as I can. "

"Sure. " Senku said.

Shizuko walked faster to her house and go straight to her room.

"Welcome back Shizuko dear! Do you meet new friends? " Mrs Kurosawa asked.

"Senku and Taiju are good. " Shizuko said as she changing her clothes. "I'm going to Senku's house for a science experiment, mother! "

"Be safe, dear! " Mrs Kurosawa waved as she watched her daughter go out. "Ah, she made two friends. " she smiled.


"Wait, wait, wait, you said Shizuko can see ghost?! " Taiju exclaimed.

"Yeah, I saw it with my own eyes. " Senku said as he fixing the mini model rocket.

"How did you guys talk? " Taiju asked.

"With paper and pen, of course. " Senku deadpanned. "What? What did you think about how I communicate with her? "

"Like uh, the ghost suck in human's body? Or uh-" Taiju listed.

"Oh god no! You watch too many ghost movies Taiju. " Senku huffed.

"So that's the model rocket you talked about? "

The boys' shock by the sudden voice. Senku looks out the window and saw Shizuko standing out there.

"How long did you stand there? " Senku asked.

"Like a minute or two. What are you guys talking about? " Shizuko tilted her head.

"Nothi-" Senku was about to say but then Taiju cut him off.

"You can see ghost?! "

"Yeah, I suppose so. " Shizuko shrugged. "It's no big deal anyway. "

"Woah! But what if you meet a scary ghost?! What if the ghost wants to kill you?! " Taiju asked.

"There's no such thing ghost killing someone, only ghost killing ghost only. " Shizuko huffed. "Anyway, care to let me in so I won't be talking with you two outside the window? "

Coincidently, Byakuya was outside the house too.

"Hey Shizuko, " Byakuya asked. "How did you get up here? "

"Asami. " Shizuko pointed at the invisible force as she answered him.

"Oh wait, my window is really tall! " Senku exclaimed. "So that's how you got up here! "

"Get down please, or the other neighbours will freak out. " Byakuya sweatdropped.

Byakuya let her come into the house as she thanked him.

"Wow, it's a lot difficult than I thought. " Shizuko muttered as she looks at the model.

"I bet ten billion percent it's going to fly, but not over the atmosphere. " Senku said proudly.


Senku leads them to an empty space of the jungle. Taiju builds the things for putting the rocket model while Senku doing his calculation for his rocket model.

"Will this rocket can fly up to the sky? " Shizuko asked.

Senku nodded his head.

"Hey, Shizuko. " Taiju called. "Is Asami and Kaori with you right now? "

"Kaori is at home right now, Asami is right there. " Shizuko said as she pointed to an empty place, where there are bushes full of flowers.

"Right here? " Taiju walked to the place where Asami is. Little he didn't know that Asami is standing behind him.

"Uh, a little left. " Shizuko pointed. Taiju moved a little left.

Senku looks at Taiju's action as Shizuko approaches him.

"Asami is standing behind Taiju," she whispered.

Senku raised an eyebrow, then smirked.

"Are you sure he's not that stupid? " Shizuko asked.

"Pfft- he may be stupid, but he's strong as hell. "


So turns out the rocket project was failed. Thank god the rocket didn't go straight to them.

These few years Shizuko keep staying with Senku and Taiju until middle school.

"Oh look! We're in the same class, Senku, Shizuko! " Taiju beamed.

"Shut up will ya, you big oaf? " Senku groaned.

Shizuko yawned. "It's too early... "

"Heh, it's your own fault reading fictions until midnight. " Senku smirked.

Shizuko sent daggers to Senku. "Don't force me to send Asami and Kaori to your house tonight. "

"Hah! I wouldn't scared! "

"Speaking of Asami and Kaori, " Taiju asked. "Are they here? "

"Like the usual, Kaori is at home, Asami is right here. " Shizuko pointed at her back, which nobody can see her.

"Come on you two, the class is going to start now. " Senku groaned as he pushed both Shizuko and Taiju in class.

Then, Shizuko's phone starts ringing.

"Oh, it's from mother. " Shizuko said as she picks up her phone and accepts the call while walking to her first class, the two boys followed her. "Hello mother, do you need anything? "

'Shizuko dear, Kaori said there's another ghost walking down our street. '

"A ghost? " Shizuko tilted her head. Taiju and Senku looking at her.

'She said the boy died from fire building yesterday, his family didn't care about him from the start. '

"Ah, the news yesterday mentioned about fire building. Alright, tell me more about it after my class ends. " Shizuko said. "Bye mother, see you soon. "

'Bye, dear! '

Shizuko pressed the red button on her phone call and put it back in her pocket.

"So, " Senku looked at Shizuko. "A ghost negotiations? " he smirked.

"A ghost negotiations. " Shizuko smirked back.

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