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"Round two: Chrome, Mantle. Forward." Jasper announced.

"Oh, I'm up." Chrome said, pointed at himself while going to the arena.

"I'm more worried about the next match." Senku said. "If Kohaku isn't back by the end of match two, she'll be disqualified."

"Yeah, I know."

"Where's Kohaku-chan?" Suika asked, looking around. "Where did Kohaku-chan go?"

"She ran off earlier to save you." Shizuko said.

"What?! I'm going to go find her!" Suika exclaimed, then she tripped.

Shizuko quickly caught her before she fall to the ground. "Sit still, young girl. You don't have your glasses."

"It's too late either way. All we can do is wait."

""Shizuko, how about telling Chrome fight slow as possible?"" Yuichi asked.

""Oh! That's a good idea!"" Naoki agreed.

"Psst! Chrome!" Shizuko whispered.

Chrome turned at her, confused.

"Go slow." Shizuko whispered.

Chrome get the memo, and nodded his head. 'I'll have to buy as much time as I can.' he thought.

The match has started.

"After seeing Kinro and Magma fight for the top..."

"It's like watching two kids fight."

"Hang in there, both of you!"

Asami glanced at the forest in worry. Then, she noticed a blur of figure running towards here.

Magma noticed too, and yelled at Mantle. "Mantle!" he yelled, and show a death sign to Mantle.

"Pay attention man!" Chrome yelled.

"Mercy!" Mantle give up.

""What?! Mercy?! Just like that?!"" Yuichi groaned.

"Winner: Chrome!" Jasper announced. "The third match..."

""Look!"" Kaori pointed at Kohaku at distance, running over here.

Shizuko looked at Kohaku with nervous, "come on!"

"Due to Kohaku's absence, the winner is Senku." Jasper quickly announced the third match.

"She didn't make it back in time!" Suika cried.

"Senku! Shizuko!"


"Damn it! You barely missed it!" Chrome said.

"I'm sorry! Mantle caught me!" Suika ran to Kohaku.

"Thank goodness!" Kohaku hugged Suika. "I'm so glad he was lying. All that matters is that you didn't drown."

"Doesn't that basically settle it?"

"The priestess's husband, the new chief, is..."

"It's Magma!"

Magma blew a kiss, "be glad, Ruri. From now on, you're my woman."

Ruri's face turned white as Kohaku and Suika throw up what Magma said.

Shizuko didn't say anything and made a disgusted face. "That's it, I can't take it anymore. I need bleach. Where's the bleach when you need it?" She covered her face with her hands.

"There's no bleach here, Shizuko." Senku snorted. "Now that we've lost our last stand in Kohaku, the only real fighting chance we have left is... Ginro the guard. You're all we've got."

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