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I got a job-

"All right, it's gotten a lot weaker! " Taiju exclaimed.

They are putting out the smoke with the water from hot springs.

"If Tsukasa's after us, there's a ten billion percent chance he'll find us. " Senku laughed as he poured the water.

""Shizuko! Shizuko! Look! "" Asami called and pointed at the direction.

Shizuko turns her head where she points and widens her eyes. "Uh, Senku, Taiju, Yuzuriha... You guys come and see this... "

The three of them turn their head and widen their eyes.

"A smoke signal...! "

"Tsukasa-kun?! " Yuzuriha asked, worried.

"No, that's in the opposite direction. " Senku said. "Besides, Tsukasa has no reason to reveal his location. "

"What is it, then? " Taiju asked. "A forest fire? "

"It's too well-timed to be a coincidence. It was clearly raised in response to our smoke," said Senku.

"You mean..  "

"Yeah, this is exhilarating. " Senku walked forward. "There's someone else in this stone world. "

"More people? " Shizuko asked.

"We have to finish putting out the fire. " Yuzuriha said as she turn back.

"Oh, that's right. " Taiju followed.

"No, hang on. " Senku stopped them. "As far as they know, that explosion could have been from the volcano. We need to signal them even more before they leave. "

"I see. " Taiju said.

"But what if Tsukasa is after us? " Shizuko asked.

"We'll be doing him the courtesy of letting him know where we are. " Senku said. 'The least logical part of me, my gut, is talking to me. If we start a fire now... Which do I choose? Safely? The future? '

"What do we do, Senku? " Taiju asked. "Put it out? Or light it? "

Senku hesitated a while and answered them. "Light it! Fire the smoke signal! "


Three smoke signal was put.

"We're running out of gunpowder, throw anything that'll burn! " Senku said.

"Hang on! I'll go get some wood! " Taiju exclaimed. He said as he run to get more, and Yuzuriha followed behind. Senku and Shizuko stayed behind.

'It's a double-edged smoke signal, we're letting everyone in the vicinity know where we are. ' Senku thought. 'If Tsukasa knows about our plan to make gunpowder... '

""Shizuko, he's coming. "" Naoki said.

Shizuko nodded her head. Then, a scene flashed in her mind as she widen her eyes.

"Senku... " Shizuko called.

"Hah? " Senku turned her head to her.

"Be right back. " Shizuko said. "Yuzuriha is in danger. "

Senku widen his eyes as he heard what she said. "Okay, be safe. "

"I will. " then, she runs straight in Yuzuriha's direction.


Yuzuriha was collecting the small branches. Suddenly, a knife was put on her neck, causing her to drop them.

"Yuzuriha! Duck! "

A strong force kicked Tsukasa's spear out of his hands. Unfortunately, he caught it in time.

'Who-' he turned his attention to the person that kicked his spear. His eyes widen as he was surprised it was her.

Shizuko quickly took out two small knives from her side pocket and blocked him.

"Shizuko-chan...! " Yuzuriha cried.

"Go! " Shizuko yelled. "I can't hold it long! "

"Shizuko, I didn't know you can fight. " Tsukasa said as he tried to stab her.

Shizuko blocked it quickly. "I only fight for my friends! "

Shizuko eyed Yuzuriha running back to the mountain. Suddenly, Tsukasa take advantage of her attention on Yuzuriha and grabbed her wrists.

"Let go of me! " Shizuko shouted.

""Shizuko! "" Kaori cried as she tried to pull her but it was no use, Tsukasa is too strong. ""Hang on Shizuko! ""

"If you keep struggling I'm going to kill you. " Tsukasa threatened her.

Shizuko gasped as she dropped her knives. 'Think quickly, Shizuko! '


Tsukasa stood behind Senku and Yuzuriha with Shizuko as his hostage, spear on her neck.

"Shizuko-chan! " Yuzuriha cried.

" 'If a weapon of science enters the scene, I won't be the most powerful anymore. ' you look like you're about to throw a tantrum, Tsukasa. " he turns back to him.

"You could put it that way. If you make weapons of science and revive the older generation, they'll begin fighting over established interests, and we'll be right back in a tinted world. " Tsukasa said. "I don't mind getting my hands dirty in order to stop that. "

"So now you have to kill science man Senku here, huh? " Senku smirked as he eyed Shizuko's counting down fingers. "America would be moved to tears by your merciful death sentence. "

'Senku, it's no time to make America movie jokes! ' Shizuko thought, an irk appeared on her forehead.

"Yeah, but first, would you mind giving me the recipe for the purification revival fluid? " Tsukasa asked as he put the spear closer to Shizuko's neck.

"Sorry, but I'm not as merciful as you are, I can only take at things logically. " Senku said as he clapped his fingers.

Shizuko took advantage of this and grabbed another smaller knife from her thighs, stabbed his hand, and then kicked off him.

"Shizuko, if someone takes you as a hostage with a knife threatening you, what will you do? " Mr Kurosawa asked.

"I'll stab him. " the younger Shizuko said determinedly.

Her parents sweatdropped.

"Listen, you don't have any weapon with you, you only have a small knife hiding in your pants. Will you stab him directly, or you choose the right time? " Mr Kurowasa asked again.

The younger Shizuko hesitated a while. She looked up to her parents, "I'll choose the right time to stab him. "

"That's right! Well done Shizuko! "

'Thank you, father! For teaching me this!' Shizuko thought as she jumped off Tsukasa's grasp and landed beside Yuzuriha.

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