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Suika keep walking back and forth, waiting for the boys to come back alive. Kohaku and Shizuko stood down the shed, hoping they would be fine too.

"Welcome back!" Suika ran to them as the moment she saw them.

"We made it past the bigger hurdle! We got sulfuric acid!" Chrome exclaimed.

"Then, at last, we can make the drug to save Ruri-nee?" Kohaku asked.

"Have some patience. Didn't you see that crazy roadmap to the cure-all drug?" Chrome said.

"That incredibly long one?"

"Kukuku, it's not that bad. We have just about everything we need now." Senku smirked.

"We've gathered all the materials?" Shizuko asked.

"We have all the necessary materials. Now It's just a matter of lighting up all the dark spots on the roadmap, one by one." Senku grabbed 4 apparatus at once. "Let's plow through it today. Time for mad chemical cooking! It's gonna be exhilarating!"

They prepared a pot and poured the sulfuric acid in it. "First, we boil the sulfuric acid we got, and add a pinch of salt." Senku explained.

"There's a weird glass sculpture with a stick in the middle." Suika pointed out.

"How dare you make me make such a complicated things?!" Kaseki cried. "I don't know what you're using it for, but you've gone and made me all excited!"

"It's a water dripping machine." Senku said.

"Are we catching the gas that's coming out of the sulfuric acid and salt mixture as it drips?" Chrome asked.

"Now we've got hydrochloric acid."

"Hydrochloric acid?"

"It's a somewhat dangerous chemical. Get in your eyes, and you'll go blind." Senku said.

Suika looked and shivered at his words.

"Next, the sinters from the sulfuric acid spring, which people love taking home from hot springs." said Senku. "Boil this stuff, throw it into the hydrochloric acid we just made, and now we have chlorosulfuric acid." Senku holding the chlorosulfuric acid and chuckled evily.

"Chlorosulfuric acid?"

"This stuff is really dangerous. Get it on your skin, and you'll turn into a skulking zombie." Senku said.

Suika still scared.

"Seperate the salt water using elec, and we have sodium hydroxide."

"Sodium hydroxide?"

"This chemical is ultra dangerous. The yakuza use it to melt corpses."

Shizuko looked at the frightening Suika and sighed, picked her up and get away from the mad scientist who keep showing the dangerous chemical to her. Shizuko glanced at Kohaku, "Kohaku, do something..."

""Poor kid."" Naoki sighed.

"Ah, I see, I see. A drug that makes you blind, turns you into a zombie and melts your corpse. I see. You're going to make Ruri-nee drink that?" Kohaku glared at the scientists.

"No one's drinking it! We're using it to prepare the drug!" Senku explained. "Don't worry. The rest of the chemicals are harmless. Let's go get some ammonia." Grabbing a container and walked away with Chrome.


"Ammonia?" Kohaku asked.

Shizuko widen her eyes in realization and quickly turn Suika's sight away from the boys. "Kohaku, turn away."

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