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{Shizuko pov}

Where am I...? How long have I been sleeping...?

""Shizuko! Can you hear us?! ""

Asami...? Is that you?

""Shizuko! Shizuko! Stay awake please! ""

Ah, Kaori, Naoki...

""Shizuko! Don't die! ""

Yuichi is there too... I won't die that easy...

""Please wait Shizuko! Wait until Senku, Taiju, and Yuzuriha find you, find us! ""

Yeah... Find us, Senku... I'm counting on you... Taiju and Yuzuriha too...

""Look! There he is! Kaori! Do anything to get his attention! ""

How can I break out...?

""Shizuko, your body is covered with stones. Do anything to break out! ""


""Break out, Shizuko! ""

Break out... Break out... Break out...!

{Normal pov}

The stones break on their own, with Shizuko weird energy flowed in her veins.

"Ha, if isn't the ghosts called, I wouldn't be here. "

Shizuko looks up, Senku was standing in front of her.

"Senku... "

"First, we need to get you a dress. Asami did a good job of covering you up with leaves. " Senku said as he turns back.

"Eh? " she looked down, leaves had covered most of her private place. "Thank you, Asami. "

""No problem Shizuko! ""

Shizuko looked at her surrounding, a few pieces of stones had broken.

"Stones? " she picked up one of them.

"Yeah, it's from the petrification. Come on, that big oaf probably waiting. " Senku said as he leads her to the treehouse.

"Taiju? " Shizuko followed.

Turns out Taiju had waited for him outside the treehouse, smashing the grapes.

"Shizuko! You got out of the stones! " Taiju spotted her as he runs to her. Luckily, Senku blocked away.

"Don't just hug her! She hasn't wear anything but leaves! " Senku shouted.

"Wha-?! " Taiju widens his eyes. "Ah! I'm sorry Shizuko! "

Shizuko sighed as she waved her hand. "Don't worry Taiju. You can hug me after I wear something. "

"Eh? " Taiju looks at her hair. "What happened to your hair, Shizuko? You have white color tips on your hair! "

"Mhm? " Senku looks at her hair. "Did you overthinking stress while in stone? " he grinned.

"No. " she raised an eyebrow. "I was thinking about 3 of you and the ghosts. " She observed her hair.

"Then that's weird. " Senku said. "It still suits you anyway. "

Taiju exclaimed. "Yeah! "

"Then I won't bother it then. " Shizuko smiled.

<20 minutes ago>

Senku was walking around the forest while thinking about what will be doing next. He needs to revive Shizuko next for predicting any danger in the future. Taiju had already break out from the stone, Senku knows Taiju won't give up until he confess his feeling to Yuzuriha.

Suddenly, a force pulled his sleeve stopped his thoughts.

"Mhm? " Senku look at around and saw a few ravens sitting outside the cave. "Shizuko? " Senku walked in the cave.

It's Shizuko. Senku guesses Asami had covered her private parts with leaves.

"Nice job covering her, Asami. " Senku said. "Listen, her body is covered with stones, if you can talk to her, tell her to break it out. "

An ok was written on the mud.

Not until 10 minutes, Shizuko had broke out from stones.

"Ha, if isn't the ghosts called, I wouldn't be here. " Senku smirked.


Senku gave Shizuko a long dress with strings covered to her knees, a shoe similar to Senku.

"Today is October 10th, in the year of 5738 AD. " Senku explained. "We've been asleep for 3700 years. "

Shizuko widens her eyes. "3700 years?! "

"Mhm. " Senku nodded his head. "I was awake for half a year now. That big oaf awake 5 days before you. " he pointed.

"Let me guess, you counted? " Shizuko raised an eyebrow. Senku smirked and nodded.

"So, what will I do first? " Shizuko asked.

"I was just done stirring the grape juice! " Taiju exclaimed.

"Grape juice? " Shizuko asked. "What did you collected grape juice for? "

"Kukuku, we're making the revival fluid. The grapes can make into alcohol as one of the ingredients. " Senku smirked.

"What will I do then? "

"You can start collecting food, that day that big oaf got a lot of inedible food. " Senku scowled as he pointed at Taiju. "Like mushrooms, if you catch rabbits, we got meat. "

"What about fish? " Shizuko asked.

"We haven't try to catch them yet. " Taiju said. 

"You know about the basic mushroom, right? " Senku asked.

"Yeah, you can leave it to me. " Shizuko nodded.

After that, she got stone knives and a basket from Senku, then off to find food.

"If you caught up in danger, yell something to let us know! " Taiju yelled.

"Will do! "

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