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A reminder:
"..." = human
""... "" = ghosts
[...] = Acquired scientific materials
'...' = flashback/thought


The next morning, 4 members of the science kingdom went to the river. With the magnets they have, they could collect some iron sand.

"Look at how much it picked up. All this suspicious black sand! " Kohaku said as she pick up a lot of iron sand from the river.

"This black sand you called is known as iron sand, Kohaku," Shizuko said.

"We're finally taking the first step on the road to the kingdom of science. The curtain is rising on the age of iron!" Senku exclaimed. "Now that's exhilarating."

On the other side, Shizuko and Kohaku continue collecting the iron sand while Senku and Chrome sit on a rock. They were drinking a cup of water we don't know where they got-

"This lioness is amazing, are all the people in your village like that? " Senku asked.

"There are a few gorillas with superhuman strength, but Kohaku is the only nimble gorilla. " Chrome said, leaning down at the stone. "What about Shizuko? Is she your girlfriend or what? You two seem to understand each other. "

"Pfft- my girlfriend? " Senku chuckled. "We are more siblings than lovers. Besides, love is illogical for us," he said. "She's like a younger sister to me."

"Huh, you're right. " Chrome put his hand under his chin in a thinking pose.

"She's been more open after the perification happened," said Senku. "Maybe because there aren't any modern people put too much attention to her." he sighed. "Even so, her strength got stronger too."

"Yeah, I've noticed. You mean more agile and stronger like a gorilla. " Chrome said.

"I wouldn't say that if I were you. " Senku sweatdropped. "I wonder if it's the spirits helping her," Senku muttered.

"Did you say something? " Chrome asked. Senku just shook his head and said nothing.

"I said I'm not a gorilla!" Kohaku exclaimed. "Also, why are only me and Shizuko doing all the collecting here?! Why don't you guys get off your asses and do some work, too?! We don't have enough manpower!" she said as she crossed her arms.

"Sorry." both boys apologized and continue gathering iron sand.

[Acquired iron sand!!]

"She's right, though. This is going to take all day." Shizuko said.

"Should I get someone from the village to help out?" Chrome asked.

"As far as the villagers know, you three are suspicious sorcerers," Kohaku said. "Sadly, no one's going to come help."

Senku and Shizuko sighed with a dejected faces.

""Why don't we help them?"" Yuichi asked a stupid question.

""We can't, you idiot."" Naoki deadpanned. ""Didn't you forget you can't even touch things except reaching out to Shizuko.""

""I mean, we could help, but,"" Kaori said. ""We haven't let them know Shizuko can see us, remember?""

""Oh yeah."" Yuichi groaned.

Suddenly, a watermelon floated toward them.

"A watermelon?" Senku muttered.

"It's just me or is the watermelon alive?" Shizuko asked as she hid behind Senku's back.

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