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It turns out that the car crashed was a drunk father who is driving with his 15 years old daughter. The daughter was stabbed with something and loss blood causing death. The father, however, lucky. He got saved from the airbags.

The firefighters were called by Byakuya, he immediately called them when he heard a car crashed.

"This isn't Asami? " Senku asked, pointing at the tugging sleeves.

"No, Asami is-" Shizuko pointed at her side. "Asami is right here. "

"What? What is going on? " Taiju dumbfounded.

"I don't think it's a good idea to show Taiju about Asami... " Shizuko muttered. "Taiju, how about you go home first? Me and Senku will-"

"No! Taiju will help you no matter what! " Taiju yelled. Shizuko was taken aback.

Shizuko sighed. "If you said so. Don't ask questions. " she turns her head to Senku. "I need to talk with her alone. "

"Sure, I'll cover for you," he said.

Senku watched Shizuko grabbed an invisible hand from his sleeves and went to an empty place.

Byakuya runs to the boys, "are you guys okay? Did anyone hurt? Where's Shizuko? "

"Slow down old man! " Senku said. "Shizuko is talking to her right now! "

"Her? "

"The dead person. "

"Someone died, a 15-year-old girl was sleeping in the car. Mostly was abducted by her drunk father. " a firefighter came and explained the situation. "The victim was stabbed by something pointy in the car. " Byakuya thanks the firefighter.

"That's why Shizuko is talking to her? " Byakuya asked. Senku nodded.

"Can you tell me Shizuko can talk to who? " Taiju asked.

"Maybe after this, we can talk about it tomorrow. " Senku said. "She's going to school tomorrow with us. "

"Really?! Yeah! "

"Senku, Mr Byakuya. " Shizuko came back.

"Ah, you're back. How's the talking go? " Senku asked.

"She's calmed right now. " Shizuko answered. "Kaori doesn't have any severe PTSD. "

"So the victim's name is Kaori. " Senku muttered.

Shizuko turns her head to Asami and Kaori, where the people can saw her talking to an empty place. "Kaori, this is Asami, she's going to look after you. Asami, take care of Kaori. "

There's another silence. 4 of them watching the man got out of the car crash and carried to the ambulance.

"Senku, Shizuko, Taiju. " Byakuya called. "Let's go home shall we? "

"Doesn't the police want to negotiations us? " Taiju asked.

"Don't need to. Since the man harmed the victim, he was carried to the hospital, they will negotiating with him there. " Shizuko said.

"Alright then! Let's go home! "


Soon the man was put into prison when he recovered. Lucky to them, the news didn't show the 4 of them on the tv.

Mrs Kurosawa arranged Shizuko's school and let her went to the school where Senku and Taiju are at the next day.

"Class, this is our new classmates, say hello! "

Only half of the class waved at her.

"Do you want to introduce yourself and what do you like? " the teacher asked.

Shizuko nodded her head. "Kurosawa Shizuko. I like black colour and ravens. Nice to meet you. "

"That's boring! " A boy shouted. "Why don't you like any bright colour like those girls, huh?! "

"Shut up! She can choose what she likes! " Senku yelled at the boy. Everybody stared at him with eyes widen because Senku doesn't stand up to people before, especially a girl.

"Thank you Ishigami. Now, how about you sit next to him? " the teacher asked as she pointed an empty seat next to Senku. Shizuko nodded her head and walked to the empty seat.

"Okay, class! Take out your English textbook page... "

"Thank you for defending me earlier, Senku. " Shizuko whispered.

Senku smirked. "No problem. "


The lunch bell rang. Every teacher makes sure the students got their lunch.

"Where's Taiju? " Shizuko asked.

"He'll be here... 3…2…1." Senku counted.

"Hey Senku! " a loud shout could hear from far away. Two of them could see a running figure towards them.

"Ha, look who's here. " Senku smirked.

"Hey, Senku! Shizuko! " Taiju greeted with a lunch box with him.

"Good, now you're here, let's talk about my next experiment. " Senku said as he leads the two to an empty place where students didn't go there.

"Experiment? " Shizuko asked.

"Yeah! He wants to make a rocket to fly up to the sky! " Taiju exclaimed.

"Like a model, you big oaf. " Senku deadpanned. "We can't just make a rocket to fly up to the moon, it's illegal. "

"You're going to make the rocket fly up to the sky, over the earth layers, and make it explode? " Shizuko blurted out.

"That's right! " Senku smirked. "Ten billion points for you Raven! "

"Wow! You're smart too, Shizuko! " Taiju exclaimed.

"Not really, just happens to like reading the planets. " Shizuko said.

Then, a group of boys gathered in front of 3 of them, the boys look older than them.

"Hey, Kurosawa! Why don't you sit with us, ignore that smartass and the stupid guy? " The leader of the boys said.

"No thank you. " Shizuko shakes her head.

"Now come on little girl, respect your senior! " the leader laughed.

"No. " Shizuko keeps rejecting them.

Then, the leader called a big fat guy to come forward. Taiju immediately put down his lunch box and stand in front of Shizuko.

"Hey, hey! No fighting! " Taiju said with a serious voice.

"Don't worry, I got this Taiju. " Shizuko said as she gently pushed Taiju to the back.

"What? You're gonna fight with your scrawny ass? " one of the boys laughs.

"Asami, Kaori. " Shizuko called out. "Help us. "

"Ha? Who's them? Your lackey-"

Two of the boys got pushed back by Asami and Kaori.

"W-who's there?! " he shouted.

"You better stop this or I'll-" the leader stopped his sentence as he saw a few ravens sitting on the window, staring at him with fierce eyes.

"Say that again. " Shizuko's black eyes stared at him. "I dare you. "

The leader stands in fear. "L-let's go back boys! " he pushed them away. "That girl is dangerous. "

"Nice one Shizuko! I thought you can't defend yourself. " Senku said.

"I can, back then I also use this method to scare bullies away, my only friend betrays me and went with the bullies. " Shizuko frowned. "are you guys still want to be my friend? "

"Yeah! Friends help each other! " Taiju exclaimed.

"You're interesting, Raven. " Senku grinned. "Of course we're friends. "

Shizuko smiles and hugs the boys. "Thank you. "

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