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This time, the rocket model experiment is a success. The rocket got explode outside the earth, and the dolls were floating.

"Shizuko-chan! " Yuzuriha called. "Do you mind if I tag along? "

Shizuko looked at Yuzuriha, then Asami. Asami nodded her head. Shizuko then looked back to Yuzuriha. "Sure! It's good we have another girl in our group! "

The 4 of them went to Shizuko's house that afternoon after Senku put back the rocket controller.

"Mother, I'm home. " Shizuko said as she opens the door. "Senku, Taiju, and Yuzuriha are here! "

"Yuzuriha? A new friend? " Mrs Kurosawa came out from the kitchen with Kaori followed behind.

"Yuzuriha, meet my mother. Mother, this is Ogawa Yuzuriha. " Shizuko introduced.

"Nice to meet you, Yuzuriha dear. " Mrs Kurosawa greeted. "Ah, Asami chooses a right friend. " she wiped away an invisible tear. "Anyway, are you kids hungry? We're making cookies for afternoon tea! "

"Yeah! " Taiju beamed.

"Alright then! Kaori dear, let's go back to the kitchen! " Mrs Kurosawa said as she walked back to the kitchen.

"Where's your father? " Senku asked.

"He got a job outside of Japan. " Shizuko said as she leads them to her room. "I don't know when will he come back. "

Shizuko turns on the light of her room. A semi-big size table on the floor with four chairs. A bed on the left side of the door with a desk beside it. The wallpaper color was black and white.

"Woah, nice room you have, Shizuko-chan! " Yuzuriha said.

"Thanks. " Shizuko said as she put her bag on one of the chairs. "Be right back. " then she went out of her room.

"Where is she going? " Yuzuriha asked. She looks at the boys who are already sitting down on a chair taking their homework out.

"She's bringing seeds to feed her pet. " Senku said.

"Her pet? " Yuzuriha asked. Then, a raven flew right onto the table.

"Squawk! "

"A raven? " Yuzuriha muttered.

"She said this raven always comes here when she's come back from school. " Taiju explained. "She names her pet raven Virgo! "

"Squawk! "

"Stop squawking you little bird. " Shizuko said as she came back with a small boll of seeds. She put it on the window. "Here's your food. Now, shoo. "

"I thought you like ravens. " Senku smirked.

Shizuko sighed as she sat down on the chair. "After you told me what did the ravens do, I was genuinely scared of them. " she takes her homework out. "But they still being nice to me. "

"Ah, ravens can be scary sometimes. " Yuzuriha said.

"I always thought they are crows. " Taiju raised an eyebrow.

"No, you big oaf. Crows and ravens are different, ravens eat seeds, vegetables, and meat. However, crows eat dead bodies and meat. " Senku explained.

"Oh, that's scary. " Taiju said, a cold shivered to his body.

"Shizuko dear, can I come in? " Mrs Kurosawa asked.

"Yeah. " Shizuko replied.

"Okay. " she opened the door. "Alright, kids! The cookies are done! " she put the cookies on the table.

"Oh, Shizuko-chan. " Yuzuriha called. "Can I meet Kaori-chan? "

"Kaori? Sure, give me a minute, I'll get her. " Shizuko said as she walked out of the room again.

"How does she look like? " Yuzuriha asked.

"Em, dark blue colors, pigtails with braids. Her bangs were clipped on each side. " Senku explained. "She's wearing a middle school uniform, according to that Raven. "

The door opens again and revealed Shizuko.

"Kaori, you'll be fine. She just wants to ask you some questions. " Shizuko sighed as she pulls the chair out for Kaori.

Shizuko pushed away from her books and replaced a piece of paper with a pencil. "There, you can communicate with her easily. If you can't answer the question, just tell me. "

Kaori nodded her head as she lifts the pencil.

'Hello, I'm Kaori. Nice to meet you. '

"Nice to meet you too, Kaori. " Yuzuriha smiled. "I'm Yuzuriha. "

'I know. Mother told me when you just came here. '

"Mother? " Yuzuriha raised an eyebrow.

"Ah. " Shizuko scratched her neck. "Mother adopted the ghosts as her children. "

"Why didn't you tell your mom to give you a sibling? " Taiju asked.

"Nah, that's not necessary. Besides, when the ghosts died they were stuck at that age. " Shizuko waved her hand. "So when we're 20, Kaori is still 15. "

"Ooh! " Taiju exclaimed.

"Do you like this family or your previous family? " Yuzuriha asked.

'The Kurosawa family treated me with love I've never treated before. Although Mr Kurosawa wasn't here, Mrs Kurosawa still treated me as her child. I love this family with my heart. '

"Aww. " Yuzuriha cooed. "So cute! "

'Thank you. '

"Oh, do you want to take Kurosawa as your family name? " Yuzuriha asked, tilting her head.

"Mother thought about this last month, but Kaori still hasn't decided. " Shizuko answered for Kaori.

Yuzuriha nodded her head in understanding.

"Well, looks like mother needs you, Kaori. " Shizuko said as she looks over a crying mother watching a sad movie. "It's the sad movie again. "

'I need to go now, it's nice to meet you, Yuzuriha-san! '

With the sound of a chair being pushed off and the door opened by Kaori, she quickly put on the apron and walked to Mrs Kurosawa's side.

"Do she need her to keep wearing that apron? " Taiju asked.

"Yeah. " Shizuko nodded her head as she sat down. "We can't see ghosts, except me. So she needs to wear it for letting mother knows she's there. "

A sound of sleeping cut off their conversation. Senku put his hands on the back of his head while sleeping.

"Eh? " Yuzuriha shocked. "Why is he sleeping at this hour?! "

"Ah, that's why the light of his room keeps turning on at night these days. " Shizuko sighed. "He must be tired from building the rocket model. "

"Well, he's Senku after all. " Taiju smiled.

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