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I bring you to a 3k words chapter (⁠╭⁠☞⁠•́v•̀⁠)⁠╭⁠☞

"Anyway, I'm gonna leave the village for now." Gen said, turning his back. "If a non-participant outsider is here, well that'd make the guard, Kinro, look bad. As for my business, we can have a nice chat once the village is yours, Senku-chan."

"Aah, you got it." Senku replied.

Shizuko waved her hand, "take care."

Gen waved back, but he didn't say anything.

""What the hell is that kid scheming about...?"" Yuichi squinted his eyes while looking at Ginro.

Shizuko turned back to see the commotion. "Probably the worst one." She sighed.

"We now move to the semifinals' second round, Senku versus Ginro! Both of you, step forward!" Jasper announced.

Once Jasper finished, Ginro immediately smacked Senku with his stick, luckily Senku dodged it.

"What the heck's gotten into you, Ginro?!" Senku yelled.

"I mean... Ruri-chan said she's okay with anyone! That means me too! I could be the chief! The reign of Ginro has come!" Ginro held the stick while chasing Senku, making Senku to avoid him.

Kinro nearly fainted from his brother's attitude, "Ginro, you swine!"

"He's such a scumbag!" Kohaku said.

"If I'm the chief, we can have all the ramen we want! And harems! I can let Shizuko-chan protect me! Anyway, the village is gonna turn super cool!"

"Leave me alone in your harem dream, Ginro!" Shizuko yelled.

'One thing is clear... Ginro is the one guy who must never become chief.' The villagers thought at the same time.

"We have to beat the scumbag here and now!" Kohaku exclaimed. "But there's no way Senku can win!"

Shizuko noticed Chrome was reaching for the melon, she squad down and grabbed it.

"Senku, science is our weapon!" Chrome used his last strength to yell as Shizuko threw the melon under Senku's dress.

Senku smirked as an idea came into his mind. "Oh fine." He put his stick on the melon.

"Woah! You're planning to use some crazy sorcery, aren't you?!" Ginro asked. "I won't let you do it!"

Using a little strength of Senku's, he steps the end of the stick and hits Ginro's balls.

"Opsie." Shizuko snorted.

"Winner: Senku!" Jasper announced. "Ginro's down!"

Everyone cheered.

"Now we can turn the village into a kingdom of Science... And we can save... Ruri..." Chrome said and fall unconscious.

""Oh no!"" Kaori  flew towards Chrome. ""He fell asleep!""

""Oh no indeed."" Yuichi sweatdropped.

"Alright, now's left you, me and Raven." Senku said. "Now me and Raven just need to lose on purpose, and Chrome you'll marry Ruri and become the village chief." He chuckled. "Happily ever afters all around! Get up and-"

"Senku, wait." Shizuko pulled Chrome to let him lay on his back. She checked his pulse, "he's chonck out."

""Chonk out indeed."" Yuichi snickered.

""Oh would you stop that."" Naoki groaned.

"He must be mighty relieved to know that Ruri-nee's going to be all right." Kohaku said.

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