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"Tell me, Senku. How do we make the cure-all medicine? We're going to defeat Ruri's sickness!" Chrome exclaimed with determination.

"I'll help in any way I can if it means Ruri-nee will get better!" Kohaku exclaimed.

"Kukuku." Senku chuckled evilly as he thought about how the villagers will join the kingdom of science after healing Ruri's sickness.

"I see what he's thinking. He's planning to save Ruri as part of some sleazy scheme." Chrome said.

"I can't decide if he's a gentleman or a slimeball." Kohaku deadpanned. "I guess he's just logical, but..."

"Ano... Senku always has that face when it comes to doing science." Shizuko explained. "He has always been like that ever since we were kids."

"The kingdom of science is going to be making an antibiotic," Senku said as he draw the antibiotic on the ground using a branch stick. "It's the scientific wonder drug that kills bacteria infecting a person. It's saved hundreds of millions of lives ever since it was discovered in the early twentieth century."

"We can't do blood tests. We have no idea what her disease even is." Shizuko said as she put her hand under her chin in a thinking pose.

Senku nodded. "Yeah, but it's worth trying it anyway."

"All right, let's get on it right away!" Chrome exclaimed.

"What do we need?" Kohaku exclaimed.

"We're missing all kinds of stuff. Pay attention when I talk." Senku frowned as he looked at the two primitive people.

"Their act reminded me of a certain person." Shizuko chuckled.

"There are two routes to making antibiotics. We can take the biological route and make penicillin from living things, or we can take the stone route and make sulfa drugs from rocks." Senku said.

"And since we missing a lot of stuff, the only choice we can take is the stone route," Shizuko said as Senku nodded his head.

"Hang on Senku, Shizuko. Living things? Rocks? How would you make medicine from those?" Kohaku asked.

"Penicillin, made from green mold, is the more famous one." Senku started to explain. "But making penicillin in this stone world would be a crazy game of chance, where we'd be going, 'Hey, we managed to stumble upon this super green mold that's ten billion times more powerful, woo!' We'll just have to pray, 'Please, Lord, give us some of that nice green mold, thanks!'. " Senku turned his back as he continue, "Meanwhile, the stone route, making sulfa drugs will take insane amounts of diligence and manpower, but even in this stone world, we'll land on the drug, ten billion percent. "

Chrome holds his fist with determination, "then the answer is obvious!"

Senku turns around, "you get it, don't you? We're neither gods nor geniuses. We crawl around on the ground, making everything step by step."

Senku started using a stick to draw the roadmap to make antibiotics. "We're taking the stone route. We'll get each of these things one by one and wrap right through two million years of science history. This is the science roadmap to the cure-all."

"Oh damn, man! Let's start with this 'iron' stuff, then." Chrome said. "Wait, what is iron, anyway?" he asked. "Teach me everything."

""Oh man, it's going to be a long lecture about science."" Kaori said as she sweatdropped.

""Don't you mean 'explanations'? Since Senku is the only scientist here."" Naoki said.

"Iron isn't going to be that easy." Senku looked at Chrome as he answered.

"Senku-sensei's sorcery science classes, huh?" Kohaku said. "I don't think I could even keep up."

Shizuko pat lightly on Kohaku's shoulder with a smile, "don't worry, you're not the only one who can't keep up with him." she sweatdropped.

"Can you understand what he taught you before?" Kohaku asked.

Shizuko just shrugged and chuckled, "most of them only."

Senku explained all the basic science to Chrome and Kohaku. Unfortunately for Senku, he did underestimate their curiosity and explained until night, causing him to lie on the ground with an exhausted body.

"Are you serious?! Damn! The planet's the one that's living?! Dude!" Chrome exclaimed with stars in his eyes.

"Yeah, that's right," Senku said.

"That doesn't make sense," said Kohaku. Why am I not being flung off this branch, then? " she asked.

"It's because there's gravity," Shizuko answered for Senku as she brought some water to him drink. "Here, drink up."


"I always thought it was weird. Some of the stars don't move at all." Chrome said as he look at the night sky full of stars.

"That's the North Star. It's a ridiculously useful star that's ten billion percent true north." Senku said as he pointed to the brightest star. "Remember that."

"Oh, is it?" Chrome asked.

"It seems slightly off from true north," Kohaku said.

Senku stood up. "It can't be. It's within the margin of error-" then his eyes widen in realization. "Earth's axis is shifting!"

"Wait what?" Shizuko asked as she looked up at the sky.

"The whole planet has tilted slightly over the past 3700 years. It's currently AD 5379. The North Star's moved!" Senku exclaimed as he looked at the star. "No wonder my GPS screwed up and got me lost on my way to Hakone." he chuckled as he cover his eyes with his hand. "A true scientist would laugh at me. How could I not have seen that? You guys are way more observant because you have no preconceived notions. I'm such a loser."

Kohaku chuckled. "You don't seem like a loser to me, Senku." Shizuko nodded her head agreeing with Kohaku's words.

"I'm not saying that to pull myself down," said Senku. "I think of myself as being so rational, but I couldn't keep up on this scale. That's all. 3700 years, it never hit me until now how insanely long that is."

"Wait, how do you know that the ex-North Star isn't true north?" Senku asked.

Chrome laughed. "Ooooh, so even the great Senku doesn't know about this rock! This crazy rock that happened to find on a bald mountain!" he showed Senku and Shizuko a pot of water with a rock on the leaf in the middle. "For some reason, when you hang it or float it, it always points straight north! Isn't that nuts?"

"Oh? Isn't that magnet, Senku?" Shizuko asked as she pointed to the rock.

"Ten billion percent it is," Senku smirked.

"You guys know of it?! Damn it!" Chrome exclaimed as he fell in defeat.

"Kukuku, good going, Chrome," Senku said as he picked up the magnet. "If we have magnets, we can take our first step down the road map!" he exclaimed.

Shizuko smiled in joy.

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