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After Tsukasa went out their sight, they looked at the crossbow.

"The crossbow arrow was moving at over 200 kilometers per hour. " Senku said.

"And he just snatched it right out of air. " Yuzuriha said.

Senku grinned and walked beside the laying Taiju. "Hey, get up! Come on! Come on! Come on! " he proceeds to call him while kicking him.

Yuzuriha shocked. "You said you'd let him sleep for a few days! "

"Come on! You're not gonna go down that easily in front of Tsukasa, are you big oaf? " Senku smirked.

Taiju regained his consciousness. "Of course, I'm not! " then stood up with perfectly fine.

Yuzuriha widens her eyes. "You're okay now? "

"I'm built to last. " Taiju said. "I've got plenty of energy left to spare! "

"He won't lose that easily, right, Taiju? " Shizuko said.

"Yeah! " Taiju exclaimed.

"Thank goodness. " Yuzuriha relieved.

"Right, Tsukasa! " Taiju remembered. "We need to stop his murdering! " he tried to run but Senku stopped him.

"Hold it, big oaf. " Senku said while grabbing his belt.

"I'm not giving up! " Taiju exclaimed.

"How simple-minded can you be? " Senku said, still grabbing his belt. "We just learned that we can't stop him! "

Taiju stopped running after Senku released his hands. "Still... "

Shizuko walked to grab the arrow and handed it to Senku. "There's only one way to stop a monster in this stone world. "

Senku turned back his head and smirked, "advance civilization and make weapons of science. "


After that, they went back to the treehouse. Senku told Shizuko to smash the Clay pots.

"Such a waste... " Yuzuriha said.

"What are you doing, Senku, Shizuko? " Taiju asked.

"I'm making it look like Tsukasa freaked us out and made us run off with just our food. " Senku explained.

"What are you talking about? " Taiju asked. "Are we running away? "

"It's just an act. " Shizuko replied. "If we make weapon of science before he takes notice, we win. "

"If he finds out first, we lose. " Senku finished. "That's the kind of race this is. "

After a few minutes, they packed important things and let Taiju to carried them. Senku and Shizuko carried the rest of the lighter things.

"We're going to go find materials to make weapons. Our goal is Hakone! "


"Hey, it's just a huge 80-kilometer adventure, that's all. " Senku said.

"Two full marathons, huh? " Taiju said. "Five hours ought to do it. "

"Only like a meathead like you. " Senku said, deadpanned.

The two girls chuckled at the boys' behavior.

Then, they saw a falling petal on the way. "The cherry blossom seems different. " Yuzuriha said, caught a petal one of the blossom trees.

"The cherry blossoms we know, Prunus yedoensis, aren't self a pollinating. " Senku explained, caught another petal.

"Which means... "

"They must have gone extinct right off the bat. " Senku said.

Yuzuriha glanced at the statue with sad eyes.

Soon, they made it to the tall hill.

"Man, what a great view! " Taiju exclaimed.

"Perfect. " Senku mumbled, pulling out a sextant.

"What's that, Senku? " Shizuko asked.

"A sextant. " Senku said. "It's been 35970 seconds since sunrise as of now. "

Yuzuriha widens her eyes. "Did you really just say that like it's no big deal? "

"Senku counted for hundreds to billions of seconds while he wads petrified. " Taiju said.  "This is a piece of cake for him. "

"A sextant is supposed to tell you your current location based on the time, but the accuracy is such trash, it's a complete joke. " Senku sighed. "Heh, still, this trash is the only GPS we have. We must be around Kamakura, I guess. I wish I knew ours except longitude and latitude. "

"Are there any buildings that could serve as landmarks? " Taiju asked.

"Anything metal is rusted away. " Senku said. "There's nothing left. "

Yuzuriha widen her eyes as she reacted weirdly, then run off to a different route.

"What's wrong, Yuzuriha? " Taiju asked.

Senku looks like he knows something, so he followed her behind. Taiju and Shizuko followed.

'Isn't that...  ' Yuzuriha thought as she ran. "That area's completely bare of trees for some reason. Kamakura's landmark is... "

They stopped running, a buddha statue was right in front of them.

"Heh, I know where we are. We're at 35 degrees, 19 minutes north, 138 degrees, 32 minutes east. " Senku smirked.

They looked at the Buddha with memories flooded in their heads. Yuzuriha cried when she remember her family once took her here when she was a child.

"What's wrong, Yuzuriha?! " Taiju immediately asked as Yuzuriha started to cry. "Who made you cry?! Was it me?! " he pointed to himself.

"No, I'm not crying! " Yuzuriha stopped him. "I mean, it's not that I'm not crying... But it's not like that, Taiju-kun. " she turned her head to the Buddha. "I just woke up today, and nothing feels real right now. But seeing the great Buddha of Kamakura made me realize we really are in Japan. It really has been thousands of years... I started thinking about my mom and dad, and everyone else... "

"Kukuku, there's nothing to worry about. " Senku smirked. "We're about to beat Tsukasa and save all of humanity. "

"He's right, Yuzuriha! " Taiju exclaimed. "And the great buddha just told us the way! He's stood for thousands of years without falling apart. He really is a god! " then, the realization hit him. "Wait, a buddha? Well, anyway, something like that! "

"Well yeah, they made the Buddha out of bronze. " Senku said. "Scientifically, it just doesn't rot. "

"Look! " Taiju said while standing in front of the buddha. "There's absolutely no foliage around the buddha! It's like he made it so we could find him easily! "

"Well yeah, it's leaking Copper ions like crazy. " Senku said. "It just poisonous to most plants. "

"That's it! Bronze! " Senku said, putting his fist on his palm. "We can use it to make mirrors! "

Shizuko sighed. She knows where is this going. She pulls out an ax to Senku (she keep a few knives and ax for herself).

"Thanks, Raven! " He thanks and run straight to the great buddha. "Time to upgrade my trash sextant! I'll just help myself to some of this! " he smirked.

Taiju shocked. "Stop! You blasphemous bastard! It's a great buddha! " then run to Senku to stop him.

"Shut up, simpleton! Go away! "

"No, the great buddha! "

The girls looked at each other and laughed.

A/N:Might update once a month cuz I'm playing Genshin <3
But like srsly I have SPM in March and tuition every weekday after school-

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