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The next morning, the three of them arrived at the hot spring.

"Hot water? " Senku asked.

"Yeah. I take it home to make a hot spring bath. For healing purposes. " Kohaku said as she lifted the full water of the jar.

"You look like a ten billion percent healthy kid to me. " Senku said bluntly. "What use does a lively lioness like you have with any more healing? "

Shizuko jabbed Senku's waist. "Don't call a woman lioness. That's rude. "

"I'm not a lioness! And it's not for me! It's for my sister! At least Shizuko's manner is better than yours." Kohaku exclaimed. "Honestly, she's such a troublesome nuisance of an older sister. She's been especially sick lately. If only I could swap her body with my exceeding healthy one." she frowned as she walked, Shizuko and Senku followed behind.

"That jar looks like a less than fifty liters. It's not quite enough for a bath." Senku said.

"How many trips do you make with that heavy jar every single day anyway? " Shizuko asked.

"It's just part of my daily training. I'm a lot stronger thanks to it too. " Kohaku said. "I should be grateful to my nuisance sis-"

Kohaku nearly tripped, thank god Senku and Shizuko stopped it before the jar fell.

"You haven't fully recovered yet, have you? " Senku asked. "I can't have you overexerting yourself and dying on me. Hand it over. "

"Senku... "

"Ehm, Senku. Are you sure you can handle this? " Shizuko asked. "You're not fully recovered too, I remind you, don't act so heroic. "

"Urusai, Raven. I can hold it. " Senku glared at her and Kohaku handed over the jar to him.

As Shizuko expected, he fall off the cliff. The water from the jar spilled all over the ground.

" 'Urusai, Raven. I can hold it. ' And look, you fell. " Shizuko muttered. "Next time don't be so heroic when it comes to lifting things."

Kohaku sweatdropped.

"Come on, let's get him before he got crushed by the jar. " Shizuko said.


"You're the one overexerting yourself. " Kohaku said.

"Is everyone other than me in this stone world a gorilla? Kohaku, Tsukasa, Taiju... " Senku muttered.

"Gorilla?! At least call me a lioness! That was better! " Kohaku exclaimed.

"That's not the point here. "

"Let's just get back to the hot spring and refill the water. " Shizuko said as she lifted the empty jar and pass it to Kohaku. She glanced at Senku as she lifted an eyebrow. "Can you stand?"

"Yeah. " Senku said. "That jar was really heavy. "

"You're the one who doesn't like doing exercise. " She said, then faced Kohaku. "Let's go, shall we? " Kohaku nodded her head.

"Hey! What about me?! " Senku exclaimed.

"Mhmm. " Shizuko put her hand on her chin. "We need a transportation, maybe you can build it with yesterday's pully? " She grinned.

Senku widen his eyes and smirked. "Not bad Raven. " Then run back to the place they camped.

"What could the pulley thing make into?" Kohaku asked. "And what's a trans thingy?"

"Transportation means a mechanic can carry things and people. " Shizuko explained. "I'm not good at explaining, maybe Senku can explain to you later." she shrugged.

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