You didn't tell anyone

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Hi just so you guys know I post one chapter a day and if I don't it's because my mom took my phone📱😐 so yea but anyways moving on

Bakugou's POV

Was he crying? But why would he be? He is suppose to be the one who is forever happy. Who has that cute high pitched voice when he's happy or excited.  Hate seeing him like this.
"Kacchan? KACCHAN!"
"WHAT oh right"
His tears were gone and he had a smile on his face.
"So why are you here?"
"I came to uh maybe play some games for a while"
"I'm sorry Bakugou but he can't right now he has school tomorrow"
"Well can we at least talk for a few minutes?"
"No good night Bakugou"
And he shut the door in my face. He was hiding something and I'll find out.

Deku's POV

Kacchan came over to my house and I don't know why. He doesn't really do things with me anymore ever since we got into UA. I kinda miss those days. I like being around him although he may yell most of the time, I like that he expresses himself and doesn't hesitate. And I guess you can say I feel the same kinda of love for Shoto too. I just never told them because one I'm afraid I get regected, two I don't want Kacchan to yell at me or laughed and tell everyone and three I dont want to ruin my friendship with Shoto. I just wished they could have stayed tonight seeing as my Dad was home tonight.

The next day

Todoroki's POV:

Midoriya came to school today looking a little hurt in a way and his walking was sort of awkward. I noticed Uraraka run up to him and hug him causing his frown to turn to a smile. I walked up to them "Good morning"
"Oh Hi Shoto"
"You ok?"
"Yeah why"
"Oh just asking"
"Guys we should get to class"
"You're right Uraraka. Let's go"
Midoriya and Uraraka skipped off but he looked weird doing it though. I wonder what's wrong.

Deku's POV

I really didn't want to go to school today. My dad really hurt me last night to the point I had to force myself to walk. I had to act all happy in front my friends cause I they confront Dad I'll be in major problems. Uraraka made me skip to class and that really hurt. I hate this. Dad has been so different since my mom died, I don't know why but he has been hurting me more often.
"Izuku? IZUKU! Mr. Aizawa asked you to answer the question."
"Oh yea sorry. Mr. Aizawa can you please repeat the question"

After school

Bakugou's POV

"Hey nerd"
"Yes Kacchan"
"What was up with you yesterday?"
"Uh what do you mean?"
"Were you crying last night cause when I got there you were wiping tears"
"Oh I was umm w-watching a sad movie yea"
Then Icyhot walked up to us
"Hey Midoriya I enjoyed the video games yesterday can we hang out some time again"
"Wait what do you mean video games I though you just said you were watching a sad movie"
Deku didn't respond

Deku's POV

The one thing I didn't want to happen. Shoto showed up and ruined my lie. Kacchan was mad and Shoto was confussed to what Kacchan just said.
"Guys I have to go. I'm sorry see you tomorrow" and I ran off. After I knew they were out of sight I burst into tears.

Todoroki's POV

Midoriya ran off and Bakugou looked mad.
"What were you two talking about"
"Some thing is wrong with the nerd. I went over to his house last night and he was I think wiping tears. I asked him why he said he was watched a sad movie"
"No we were playing video games yesterday and then his dad came home and make he leave. He kinda looked mad about something"
"What so the nerd lied to me. But why? I think something is wrong. I'm going over to his house now"
"I'm coming too"
"No Icyhot I'm going alone"
"He's my friend too you know"
"Ugh whatever"

We went over to Midoriya' s house and Bakugou looked worried? I never saw this side of him. It was kind of cute in a way. When we got to his house Bakugou knocked in the door.
There was a faint "Coming" from the other side. Midoriya answered the door holding his left cheek and his eyes were red.
"What are you two doing here?"
"We came to check up on you since you ran away from us at school." I said trying to sound as calm as I possibly can.
"Well I'm fine now you can go bye"
And he tried to close the door
"No Kacchan please don't"
But by then Bakugou already pushed open the door and we both entered.

Deku' s POV

They just walked into my house and I quickly went to move the bandages from the coffee table. But I was too late.
"What are those things you got there nerd"
"Uh nothing I just have to put it away"
"Wait what's that mark on your face?"
Oh no I forgot, I was trying to hide it
"I f-fell on my face while running home"
"Midoriya I know that's a lie"
They walked closer to me and I backed away.
"Deku you've been really awkward lately are you ok. You've been looking like something is bothering you"
"Yea I'm f-fine. Nothing's wrong."
"You sure"
Then there was another knock on the door and the two of them quickly went into the kitchen and signalled me to open te door. I was confused but then I put down the bandages and went to open the door. I was my Dad.
"Umm Dad why are you here?"
"I got a call from the school saying you've been 'zoning out' too much in class lately. You mind explaining that to me"
"I'm sorry I promise it won't happen again."
"I'm getting tired of hearing that"
"I'm sorry but arnt you suppose to be at work?"
"I skipped"
"To deal with you for your indiscipline"
"Dad not again I have fri- I mean I have school tomorrow and you already did that last night. Can you atleast just umm hit me or something just not that again please. I can barely walk"
"Well maybe you should have though of that before you decided to embarrass me at your school. Your room now"
I walked upstairs and he followed me behind. Then it hit me Shoto and Kacchan was still in the kitchen. Oh no I'm in so much trouble.

3rd person

Yea it happemed again and this time Bakugou and Todoroki were there to hear everything. They were speechless. Todoroki was in the brink of just bursting into tears and Bakugou was fighting the ergue to just going up there and beating the heck out of him.

Deku's POV

After two hours my dad left my room and I sat there crying. I put on my clothes, sat on my chair, and just broke down. Then I heard my door open I thought it was my Dad again but no it was Kacchan and Shoto.
Shoto was CRYING! And Kacchan looked like he was about to.
"G-guys l-listen it n-not w-what l-looks like"
"Shut up"
"I said shut up" Kacchan whisper shouted (or whatever you call it)
I buried my head into my knees
"Deku why haven't you told anyone about this."
"Midoriya your Dad rapes you and you never told anyone"
"I'm sorry I just- he-he would have hurt me more if I told anyone one a-and I can't go through that. Ever since my mom died he's been like this"
"What!?! That was a year ago. YOU HAVE BEEN GOING THROUGH THIS FOR A YEAR NOW!!"
"Bakugou quiet or his dad will hear."
"What ever Icyhot"

Bakugou's POV

The nerd never told anyone that his dad did that to him. He hid this for a year.
"C-can you two p-please j-just leave. I'll see you two at s-school tomorrow"
"We're not going anywhere Deku"
"But my dad will be furious"
And is dad just burst open the door.
"Todoroki? Bakugou? When did you two get there? WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE?!?"

I have been writing that for the past two hours😭 I'm kinda proud of it. Hope you like it bai💖

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