It's you

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Izuku POV

They are both naked and had bite marks all over them. They didn't even notice me yet. I walked over to the stereo system and stopped the music and they both quickly looked I my direction.

"B-Babe what a-are you doin there s-so early?!"
"Don't babe me. How could you?! And with my best friend!" I yelled as Himiko hid under the blanket.
"Listen I-I can explain" he stuttered

"Explain what?! That you're cheating on me?! And what's worse?! Our children are right in the other room! Why? Why would you do this to me?" I exclaimed, tears threatening to fall.

"It's you. You just stopped having sex with me. You're always working and whenever you're home, you barely spend time with me. It's only the kids. The kids. The kids. THE FUCKING KIDS! YOU NEVER HAVE TIME FOR ME! YOU ONLY SPEND IT WITH THEM!" Is he being serious? I closed the door, making sure to do it quietly despite my anger cause I didn't want to wake the children

"Yeah because they're my kids. They are still young and we have a baby. She needs my attention. If you felt this way, why didn't you just tell me? You had to resort to cheating?! And with my best friend?!" I shouted back.

Before he could respond, I walked up to him and slapped him.

"Fuck you and you" I said to both of them. Before they could process anything, I tied them up and put a collar on them so they can't use their quirks.

"Izuku w-what are you doing?" Himiko asked with fright in her voice.
"So here's what's gonna happen. I'm going to untie you for about five minutes. You will put on clothes and not struggle to remove the collars because if you do....... you won't live to see tomorrow." I explained, removing the string that held their hands behind their backs.

~1 hours later~

I had Dabi stay with the kids while I took Himiko and Eijiro back to the hideout. When we got there, I threw them in the same cell as Shoto and Katsuki.

"Well well well would you look at that. I thought they were your 'family'? Why are you putting them here" Katsuki questioned with a smirk on his face.

Katsuki POV

"Just shut up ok" he said annoyed and walked ou slamming the door behind him.
Then that blonde bitch started to laugh.
"What are you laughing at bitch?!"
She looked at me and replied,"Well I'm happy cause now that I've gotten rid of Eijiro, I can finally have Izuku to myself. I'll just tell him that Eijiro was the one who forced himself on me and I can have him"

"And you went along with it." He said with a crazy smirk on her face.

"What are you two talking about?" Shoto inquired.
"Eijiro cheated on Izuku with me but I won't get any blame for it. Why? Because he now doesn't trust either one of you. He'll believe me though. He didn't here my side to the story yet so it'll be more believable." When she finished rambling, a huge smile was plastered on her face.

"Well you left him while he was pregnant with your children so do i guess we're even." He calmly answered

"Actually, I made them leave him. I know they loved their kids ajd Izuku so much even if the babies weren't born yet. So I used that to blackmail them. Which is why they left him. But he'll never know. He'll be mine and only mine" she laughed historically.

Just then the door swung open and a green haired male with watering emerald eyes stood there.

"It's you"

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