They betrayed me

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Izuku's POV

It's been two weeks since we've been here and being with Toga so much is hurting my head.

"So Izu what do you want to do?"
I didn't respond.
"I want to see Kacchan and Shoto-kun"
Her happy expression immediately changed to anger.

"They love me" I plainly replied
"You don't even know me"
"Stop shouting please"
"Ugh whatever. I'm going to make you love me if it's the last thing I do"

With that she walked out of the room. The room was just above the size of my old room. There was a bed in the right corner of the wall opposite the door. A night stand next to it and a vase with some roses in it. A closest was in the middle of the wall left of when you enter the room. A small television was hanging to the left just above the foot of the bed.

I layed down and starred at ceiling before letting sleep slowly take over me.

I woke up to someone yelling. I slowly got up, my head pounding a little. But all my tiredness faded away instantly when I heard Shoto-kun's voice.

What was going on??

I got up and ran to the door. Unlocked? She never left the door unlocked before. No time to think about that. I swung open the door and saw Kacchan and Shoto-kun not too far from the room I was in.

"GUYS WHAT'S GOING ON. WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" I yelled in hopes they'll hear me cause I honeslty have a soft voice.

"Ugh! Why did we have to bump into you?"
"K-Kacchan what do you mean? What's going on?"
"Well if you must know, they left for a little to do some work and this is our time to escape. Now come on Sho we don't have much time left."

"Wait what about me?" Why did he only want to leave with Shoto-kun and not me too?

"You know what Izuku, I can't take it anymore. Why do you always have to be so annoying? It's your fault Kat and I are in this mess right now. If it weren't for you, we could be at home maybe just the two of us having fun but no you had to come and ruin that for us. Well I have had it. So me and Kat are going to get out of here and go somewhere safe, away from you so that we can be sure that no villians will be after us"

Hearing Shoto-kun say those things hit me rock hard.
"B-but I'm pregnant a-and with y-your children."
"I don't care. For all I know being with you just puts our lives at risk."
"But Kacchan-"
"SHUT UP OK. Come on Sho, let's get out of here"

They just ran off, leaving me here. Did they really just leave here. Alone? Pregnant? With villians? I just fell on my knees and started to cry. I didn't care if anyone saw me. My boyfriends just left me in the worst way possible.


..................Betrayed me

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