A second chance

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Shoto's POV

It's about time. That bitch make me say things and it's about time she goes.

Izuku looked at Kat and then me. "I guess you were telling the truth."
As he said that, Izumi and Katsumi ran in the room. "Mom- ahhhhhhhh!!" Izumi screamed. "Why is Aunty Himiko dead. Mommy why are you smiling and why is Daddy tied up?"

"One, he is no longer your daddy. Two, Aunty Himiko did shit to deserve this. And three, why are you two here? You know you're not allowed there if I don't bring you." Izuku explained, the anger disappearing.

"Mommy?" Katsumi started
"Hm?" He hummed
"Why did Aunty need to be killed?" He asked, slightly tilting his head.
"Well because she's the reason my love life is shit. Now my question, why are you two here?" He said it so calmly. He's acting like he didn't just find his boyfriend cheating and like he didn't just killed his ex best friend.

"I don't know we just came-" Izumi confessed. "Also why isn't Daddy put like daddy anymore?"
"Because he detrayed us"
"But I thought they detrayed us!" she exclaimed, pointing at Kat and I.
"Well..... You know what just go back outside, we'll talk later."
"Ok!" They both ran out of the room giggling, closingthe door behind them

"Can you take me out of these now babe?"
"Are you really still calling me babe after you fucked my best friend? Are you serious!?"
"But she forced me-" Eijiro started
"Oh you know what, I can check the security cameras in the house, see if she really forced you or if you're just a whore who's impatient and annoyed that his boyfriend has to actually spend time with his children and not spend all his time fucking you." Oh my fucking  God I need help. I'm simping big time right now.

With that Izuku walked out the room.

Izuku's POV

Why is this happening to me? I was so happy. But of course it didn't last. My boyfriend is cheating and it was with my best friend. I find out it was my best friend who keeps ruining my love life. I trusted her. I was so loyal to her and she still betrayed me. Shoto-kun and Kacchan really were telling the truth. I should have listened.

I finally made my way to my little office and got the tapes of my house at that time.

~On the tape~

"Hey Ei! Watcha up to?" Himiko squealed.
"Shhhhh I just put the kids to sleep. Ugh! You know I love them yeah but sometimes they annoy me. Especially since Izuku now spends all his free time with them." He complained, dropping himself on the bed
"Mhm is that right?" She smirked at his confession "Well you know~ I don't spend all my time with the kids~ Maybe we can you know~" ahe seductively said, crawling in on him.

He smirked at her statement. I guess he forgot about the cameras. His hand trained down her body
"I guess we can. Izu will never know and he's working late today sooo~"

He began to remove her top and skirt as they kissed. He broke the kids after a minute and started to remove his clothes. Before you know it they were both butt naked, Eijiro fucking her hard and Himiko is a moaning mess.

~End of tape~

I stopped the video because I couldn't watch it anymore. He really thought about my kids and I that way. He really cheated out of lust. He was so needy that he had to cheat.

I walked back to the room and heard Eijiro shouting at Kacchan

"Shut up" I simply muttered as I walked in. "I don't want to fucking hear you."
"Izu hi Kat and Shoto were calling me a whore you aren't gonna let them say stuff like that to your love right?"
"Well they have a right to because you are a fucking whore. You cheated on me just for pleasure. I don't know how you can still face me. You're so bold." I said removing the chains holding Shoto-kun and Kacchan hands and feet.

"Wait that are you doing with them?"
"I'm taking them out obviously. Yeah I've expressed hate towards them for 8 whole years but I thought they betrayed me on purpose but no they didn't so I have nothing to hate them for." I rambled. I didnt remove the collars though just for precautions.

Yeah it may seem sudden that I just let them have a little freedom but after knowing that it was Himiko's fault, I kinda felt bad for them.

"W-wait what about me?!" He shouted as I left the room with Shoto-kun and Kacchan.
"You stay here and work to earn back my trust." Then I slammed the door.

I turned around to the blonde and dual-haired males and smiled. I never thought I would be doing this again. It really felt soothing. Being around the loves of my life again.

Shoto-kun looked like he wanted to say something
"What do you wanna say Sho?" I questioned, slightly tilting my head.
"So what is this like a second chance?" He inquired


............a second chance?

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