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Dabi POV

So this little fucker is pregnant huh. He shifted a little in the chair we had him tied to and then he woke up.

"Wha- WHERE AM I?!?!"
"Shut it you idiot"
"What do you want from me. Why can't you leave me alone!?"
"Because I don't want to. Simple as that"

He was getting pissed and that's good.
"Bitch are you even listening to me!!!???"
"What did you just call me?"
"A bitch. Something that describes you perfectly"

I took out a knife a pointed it to his stomach and he flinched a little.

I moved to his ears and whispered, "I know your little secret so try anything funny this time and there will be serious consequences." I pressed the knife a little more.

"Fine. What do you fucking want"
"Well I want lots of things but right now what I want is the information you have on the heros"

Shoto's POV

Some person walked into the room and slapped Katsuki to wake up
Kat groaned as he slowly for up.

"I don't care. Both of you up now"
We stood up and he chained up our hands.
"What are you doing?"
"My job"

We walk through a narrow corridor until we walked into a room and saw Izuku. He was tied to a chair and looked mad. Really mad.

"IZU-" I was cut off my someone slapping me.
"Don't talk"

"Now Izuku" the guy with many purple scars all around his body started. "It's either you give me the information I want and your boyfriends will be safe. If not then they'll have to go."

Izu glared at him. What do I get out of this?"
Damn he sounded scary to be honest. I was kinda hot. Stop Sho just focus on getting out of here then you can admire you bofriend.

"Well your family doesn't die"
"And what if I don't want to tell you?"
"Then your family dies"
"Ugh. Why do you need it?"
"I ask as much questions as I want"
"No you don't. I tell you wamt you can and cannot to you here. You hear me?"

"Now information. Now."
He held a gun to Katsuki's head.
After about 30 seconds of Izu hesitating, we heard the trigger being pulled.

"Fine fine!!"

Izuku's POV

I hate this guy so much. I was forced to tell him some information about heroes. I made sure not to tell him their major info and I guess he didn't notice.

"Now what are you going to do with us?"
"Well those two are staying in their little cell, and because you cooperated they will be able to take showers and have breakfast, lunch and dinner but they will be guarded 24/7. And you. You will be staying in Toga's room with her."

"Got a problem?"
"Why can't I be with them?"
"Cause you belong to her now. They are no longer your boyfriends"

"WHAT THE FUCK!! NO THAT'S NOT HAPPENING. DEKU DOESN'T BELONG TO HER. SHE'S-" Kacchan was cut off by a knife being thrown next to his head
"Say one thing bad about me and I will kill you"

"Well since that is sorted, get them back to the cell and don't expect to be out anytime soon. You guys will be here for a while and there's no escape. You're trapped"

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