Not again!!!!!

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Hey besties guess who's back. Sorry I haven't been posting. It's cause I have a new story. Please go check it out<3. Ok let's go

1 month later

Izuku's POV

I was walking home from the grocery in the afternoon cause Kacchan and Shoto had work to do.

While I was walking someone pulled me into an alley way and coveredy mouth with a cloth. I tried to break free but I just passed out.

I don't know how long I was passed out for but I woke up tied to a chair in a dimly lit room.

I tried to see what or who was in front of me. When I eyes adjusted I was finally able to make out the figure.

"T-toga. W-what am I doing here??"
"Oh my sweet darling Izuku. I'm so sorry. But Dabi insisted we tie you up."
"Who? And why am I here?"
"Oh you don't remember. Well Dabi was the guy I was gonna introduce you to the day about a year ago before your dad rudely interrupted."
"And why am I here."
"Well I can't tell you all that yet but for now let's talk about something."
"Like wha- *gags* I-I need to throw up."

She grabbed a bucket from the corner of the room and I threw up.
"You ok now?"
"Awww I don't want my Zuzu sad."
"I want to go home. Then I won't be sad."
"So you don't want to spend time with me?"

Toga's POV

He looked away.
"Please don't look away."
He still didn't look at me.
"Ok you asked for it."
I stabbed him in his foot.
"Ah shit. Why would you do that??!!"
"Because you didn't look at me."

Part of me did feel sad for him. I don't know what came over me but I kissed him ( bestie he just threw up and you gonna kiss him👁👄👁 ok?). He tried to pull away but it didn't work as he was tied up.

I broke the kiss and walked out of the room. I walked back in with a cloth.
"I got you something for the stab. Sorry."
"Just get me out of here. I want to go home."

I sat on his lap and looked at him in the eyes.
"You know I've missed you in that year. I've never felt this way for anyone before and I've never really been shown proper love in a romantic way. Please Izuku give me a chance."
"Listen Toga I can't. You don't get it. I can't date you."
"Why just give it a try. I'll try my best to not get angry. Please"
"Toga I'm gay. I don't date girls. And even if I did there something why I can't date anyone but my boyfriends."
"Ugh, well I'll make you straight."

I pulled him in for a kiss. He tried to pull away but I was so angry I didn't even think before I acted.

I unzipped his pants and looked at him. His eyes widen.
I broke the kiss and smirked at him.

"Get off me!?!"
"I don't want to." And my hand slide in his pants.
"Stop! STOP!"
"Be quiet and just enjoy"
"Get off me phyco!"
"Either you be quiet or else" I put the tip of my knife on his stomach.
"No please don't. Just get off me"

I was starting to get annoyed my his complaining. I don't care who he's with or if they'll cry their ass off if Izuku is gone but he's mine.

Only mine......

"Ok Himiko. Off. You'll have fun later."
"Ugh fine" I rolled my eyes and got off Izuku's lap.

Izuku's POV

That guy. He's the one who was burning me last time I was kidnapped.

"What do you people want from me."
"Well hello to you too."
"Dont egnore my question!!"
"My name is Dabi. And you will be working for me"
Oh so he's staying!!!!" Toga squealed
"Of course not. He will be working undercover."
"And why would I do that?"
"Because if you don't, I'll make sure you never see your precious boyfriends ever again."
"What do you want from me"
"Well first I need information about the heros. And I know you make alot of notes so you should know."
"I'm not telling you shit"
"Oh fisty since we last met"

I gagged again. I have to get out of here before it becomes more obvious. I threw up again.

"Aww is the little broccoli sick?"
"Dont call me that"
"Why not? I can do whatever I'm in control here"
"Let. Me. GO!"
"We will. Once I explain the plan"
"What plan?"
"On how to beat the heros. Duh"
"You are not getting a word out of me asshole"

He slapped me. He grabbed my chin, came close up to my face and made me look at him.
"You will tell me what I want or I'm killing your precious boyfriends and you will have to watch them suffer. So you follow my rules and everything will be fine"

I spat on him.
"Fuck you"
He wiped off the spit and laughed. He pushed away my face and stepped back in his original position.

"The faster you start to follow my rules, the better for you. Cause then you can go back home to your boyfriends and we can get what we want."
"Do I look like the type to just follow someone else's rules just like that. Especially from a villain."
"Oh yes you do"
"Well you thought wrong. Torture me all you want, I am not saying shit."

I knew saying that was a bad idea but I did anyway

"Sooner or later you'll start to listen."
"Keep dreaming."
"You'll regret being so resistant"
"Whatever you say. Just keep dreaming"

Sorry it's short I just didn't know what else to put and I wanna go edit my next story. Please check it out. I hope you guys are ok. Bye bye besties💕

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