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No one POV

Izuku turned around to face the brown haired girl and have her a huge smile.
"You like me?" Izuku asked trying to keep the smile on his face.

"Yes I do. Every since we started UA. I always found you attractive, amazing, smart, determined and so cool. So please Izuku will you please be my boyfriend?"

Izuku looked at her and yanked his hand out of her grasp as his smile faded.
"You know Ochako , I know you don't like me. I always have. But the thing is, I also know that the only reason you want to be with me is for money. I find it funny that I came back 8 years later and you're still after the same thing from so long ago. I also know you've been with Tenya and the broke up with him because he wasn't 'rich' enough for you. You just go after people with money and when they can't reach you wants anymore, you just leave them."

"I- n-no th-that's not t-true. I-I do love you" Ochako stuttered with her words as she tried to deny everything the greenette had just said.

"IZUKU!! KATSUMI IS WAKING UP!?!" The both heads spun around to the direction of the voice. Izuku ran into the room to see his son's eyes open and full of confusion.

"Mommy? What's going on?" He questioned as he tried to sit up but failed.
"MOMMY!?! WHO THE FUCK IS HE CALLING MOMMY!?" Ochako yelled after hearing the little boy. Katsumi started to cry because of the loud talking
"Mommy what is it so loud?"

"WHO IS HE CALLING MOMMY?! AND WHY IS BAKUGOU BAYOU AND TODOROKI HERE?! WHAT US GOING ON?!" Ochako shouted at the top of her lungs, causing the boy to cry louder.

After hearing a gun shoot, everyone in  the room jumped out of fear, the brunette silenced and Katsumi whimpered, not knowing what was happening or what to do.

"Could you shut up for once? You're fucking shouting in a hospital, in front of a child who just woke up and is scared. But what would I expect from you? You have never known how to just be quiet. You just love the center of attention, no matter how stupid it is."

Izuku was mad beyond imagination. As he hid with weapon in his pants, doctors and nurses can rushing in the room. Ochako stood there in shock as she couldn't comprehend anything that was taking place at the moment.

The hospital staff was checking up on Katsumi as Izuku, Shoto and Katsuki stood by his bed side, Katsuki holding Hika.

Ochako POV

What is happening? How does Izuku know all those things? Why is he even at the hospital? Why is Bakugou and Todoroki here? Who was the kid? Why did Izuku have a gun? Who was that child calling Mommy?

I had so many queations running through my head. But my main question is where was Izuku all these years if he wasn't in any sort of danger?

I was snapped out of my train of thoughts as I felt a hot sensation of my face for a moment. I looked up to see Izuku, with a face written angry all over it, holding...... A BABY?!

"WHO'S BABY IS THAT?!" as I yelled my question, the little girl started cry. Ugh!
"Kacchan please take Hika. I'm going to deal with her."
"Right on it" he responded taking the baby from Izuku's hands. What? But I thought Bakugou hated him?
"Katsumi talk to your dads in the mean time, I'll be right back." DADS?

As Izuku walked out the room, he held my hand, dragging me along with him. He walk outside into the hospital gardens, away from security view or even cameras.

"You know what Ochaco?" He started off, "If I still thought the way I did back when I first met you, I would have dated you." Wait so even after he found out about me, he's still gonna be with me? Score!

"But" oh god, "I don't, and I never will. So quick explanation. I'm gay, I'm planning on going back to dating Kacchan and Shoto-kun, I have three kids who where almost killed by Eijiro and I'm a villian."

"Surprised? Yeah I know! And this next thing I'm going to do is for killing Tenya and  breaking Tsu-chan's heart. Bye bitch!"
"How do you-"

No one's POV

The brunette girl fell to the ground with blood gushing out her head. She was.......... dead.

Izuku's POV

That felt


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