W-what's this?

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💥I'M BACK💥 with another part for y'all. Also can y'all please please please share this story I'd really like that. I am not that confident that this story with get famous so can y'all pwease to that for me😢


Bakugou's POV

We finally beat this girl. When I looked up to find Izuku I saw his dad holding a knife to his head and yelling at him. At this point I just want to kill this guy.
Shoto just walked up to him and slapped him. Pfft that's just way to funny.
"Can you shut up. Don't you think you hurt Izuku enough? Just shut up and don't make a sound cause I'm not the only one here who is fighting the ergue to just kill you right now"

Izuku's POV

SHOTO REALLY JUST SAID THAT?!? Woah! To be honest, I liked this side of him more and I'm sure that Kacchan does too.
"Izuku let's get you out of here"
"Uh thanks"

Before we left they had Mr. Aizawa and All Might take my dad. Then Shoto picked me up bridal style and started walking through halls. When we got out I realized that we were at the cabin I saw my dad come to sometimes. That's weird. How did they know to come here?

Also because we were in light once more, Kacchan and Shoto could clearly see my burns now. And let's just say, to the guy who did it, you're lucky you escaped cause well I don't know if you would have made it another day.

They took me to the hospital and my dad was taken to prison and this time were sure about it cause Mr. Aizawa and All Might took him there.

~~Time skip~~

It's been four days since I was in the hospital. Shoto and Kacchan visit me everyday and some of my classmates came to do me as well. The doctors said that I can be discharged soon but they needed to run some rest on me one more time first.

~~Another time skip~~

Bakugou's POV

I'm not sure what's wrong but since Izuku came home a week ago, he's been acting a little weird. He mainly locks himself in his room. Shoto and I are kinda worried. We stay at his place cause we don't want him to be there alone but there's definitely something wrong.

Izuku's POV

They left for school finally. I put on my coat cause the scars were still very noticeable, and went out to buy something.

When I got back home, I was kinda scared to check it cause I think what expect is gonna happen. As like I said it was what I expected. UGH I HATE MY DAD SO MUCH FOR THIS!!!!

I knew I had to do something about. I also couldnt let Kacchan or Shoto find out. *sigh* This is gonna be hard. I was stressing myself out so much about that I feel asleep for a little while.

When I woke up I had a horrible headache. Just great. I got some water and then picked up the item I bought that day. This is like what the 5th time this is happening. I'm getting tired of this.

Just then Kacchan walked in the room. When did he get here!?! I tried to hide it was fast as I could but it was to late.
"What's that?"
"Uh nothing"
"It's clearly some thing. Now hand it to me"
"Izuku you've been acting really weird lately and me and Shoto are worried about you. If somethings wrong just tell us"

I felt tears build up in my eyes. I really have been. I've just been in my room barely talking to them. But it was all cause I was not sure if that to do.

As I started to cry, Kacchan hugged me and took that opportunity to take what was in my hand.
"Wait Kacchan wait"
Oh........ no

"I-Izuku w-what this? This can't be true"

Ok I hope you liked part 9. Comment what you think it is.

Ok I'm going now BAI!! 

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