What the fuck is happening?!

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Izuku's POV

"W-what did you do?" I muttered.
"Oh well hello there darling! Took to a while to come" he seemed to be beaming with excitement while my children are dying on the floor.

I was about to go help them when I heard a gun' s trigger being pulled. I froze and looked up at him. He had a gun pointing Hika.

"Wait what are you doing!?" I yelled.
"Close the door and lock it cause I know you brought those bastereds here" he instructed
I hesitantly obeyed in fear of my four month old daughter.

"What are you doing here? Why are you doing this? Are you seriously just going to risk your own child's life for whatever you're here for?" I was confused, scared and mad all at the same time.
"Well you refused to let me stay as your boyfriend and I'm not going to let some bastereds just get that spot. So I guess I'll just have to do it the hard way. By force." He explained

"But I don't want to be with you. You cheated on me and expressed your hate to my children. Why would I stay with you? You're just with me for my body and I'm not going to let that continue. Now give me my child and get the fuck out of my house." I quarreled in defence. I wasn't just going to be with someone who doesn't even accept my children.

After that, we heard banging on the door.
"Izuku open up! What's going on in there!?" Shoto yelled from the other side of the door.
"Uh nothing just go wait for me downstairs" I lied
"Are you sure?" Kat inquired as he halted his banging
"Yes I am. Now go downstairs. I'll be there in a bit."
"Ok" Shoto said in a more depressed tone.

I looked at Eijiro as he rested the gun on the bed. He placed Hika in the crib next to my bed. As he walked closer to me, I slowly backed away.
"Now what can I do with you?"
"You're not doing anything you bitch! I don't want to be with you and I will not be with you" I shouted. I was sure Kacchan and Shoto-kun could hear me but I no longer cared. I just want my family safe.

Before I could do anything, my windows broke and................ wait WHAT!?!! WHAT THE FUCK ARE PRO HEROS DOING HERE?!!

I looked at Eijiro and he had a smirk on his face.
"Sorry Zu. Should have stayed with me" he whispered to me. He pushed me to the heros because I attemped to open my door and run but they held me down and put my hands on cuffs.

"No no no! Let me go you bastered! My children are dying!" I screamed.
"Whichever bitch decided to have kids with you are stupid. Don't try to make it look like you didn't do this." Hero #1 said. He opened my bedroom door and was met by the top two heros as worry was plastered all over their faces.

"You had number one and two heros as well? Hah your time in prison is gonna be so much." Hero #2 exclaimed.
"What is happening here?! What are you even doing here!?" Kacchan shouted.
"Number three hero, Red Roit, reported that he knew where the villina base was" Hero #1 explained.
"But now we have found you two again and the bastered that kidnapped you. Also get the children. He really did something to them" he continued.

Why is this happening?! Why!? Why!? Why!!?? It shouldn't be.

I struggled to get out of their grasp but it was no use. I didn't have my weapons on me and using One for All is just going to make it worse since I have metal on my hand. That will surely backfire. (please just imagine. I know he can just break out but you'll see why I didn't make him, in a few chapters)

Shoto's POV

What's going on?! Why is the baby crying?! Why is there so much shouting up there??

Kat and I rushed upstairs after we heard the crash. We tried out hardest to open the door but without our quirks, it was useless. Only Zuzu had the key to unlock these.

Before I could process anything, I saw Pro heros holding Izuku, the baby was crying from all the noise and Izumi and Katsumi were on the for bleeding. 

Wait wait wait


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