We were so worried

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Izuku POV

He left the room leaving me with Toga. Ugh! I need my boyfriends right now. Not being held captive by these idiots.
"Zuzu I'm going to be right back! You seem sick so I'll get you some pills. Okay!"

She skipped out the room and I found that as an opportunity to get out of here. There were chains and ropes holding my hand. But that really didn't stop me.

It took me about 5 minutes to break the chains and ropes. The door was unlocked so it wasn't that hard to get out. Bakas!

I was quietly running through a narrow hall when I heard footsteps. I ran into the nearest room. The room was dimly lit but what I say in there terrified me.

There were piles of human bones in the corner and the room smelled disgusting. The stench was overwhelming. But what was worse was that there was a huge board and all over if were photos of....... Me.

Photos of when I was a baby to just a week ago. WHAT THE HELL!!!

This is crazy. Why are there so much photos of me here? And when did anyone have time to get this much? I looked all around the board and saw a photo of my mother and a huge 'X' on her face.

"I-it was them-" I whispered to myself.

What did they want from me that they had so much information on me? Millions of thoughts ran threw my head until I heard footsteps. I quickly hid under the small wooden table in the corner of the room.

I saw two pairs of feet enter the room. I tried my best to stay quiet so I wouldn't get caught.

"Now that we have him-" one started
"Our plan can finally come into play" the other finished. The second person sounded like that guy who was irritating me earlier. Dabi. The other had a more or so deep voice.

They talked about me for about 5 minutes and then someone came up to them. Well the person stood at the door.

"What!?" Dabi questioned sounded irritated.
"H-he's g-gone" the person stuttered. I knew they were talking about me. I have to get out of here as fast as possible.

"WHAT!!" Dabi yelled. "FIND HIM! NOW!!!"
"Y-yes Sir" he ran off.
"Ugh why does that boy always have to be resistant!??" Uh cause I'm not a villain. DUH!"

"Calm down. We'll find him. He can't hide forever. And he couldn't have gotten far"
"Fine but if they don't find him in the next three days, I'm going for him and I'll give him a scar he'll never forget."
"You do you"

Honestly it was scary hearing what he wanted to do but up make it through.

I stayed under the table for about half an hour until they left. I waited another 15 minutes and them left the room. I ran down the hall and came across a large metal door. Almost as big as the door from school. I broke the lock and when it opened, I was in the forest.

I didn't want to use my quirk due to my current medical statues. But I had to. I jump high enough just to see what direction to run in. I ran for about 20 minutes and finally saw streetlights and heard care passing.

It was just after sunset so not many people would be on the road. I recognised were I was and my house wasn't that far. Maybe a half an hour half but only because I wanted to stay in the view of people. I didn't want to take a risk of taking a short cut through the alley way.

When I got home, I was exhausted. I rapidly knocked on the door until someone answered. I was opened my my bi-coloured hair boyfriend. His swollen red eyes widened when he saw me. He hugged me tightly.
"Where were you?! We were so worried"
"Who the fuck is i- IZUKU WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN" yelled the spiky haired blonde, running over to hug us.

They both looked like they've been crying for some time. I really worried them.
"Uh can we go inside. I'm tired."
"Sure!" Sho said letting go followed my Kacchan. I walked inside but after about 5 steps, I fell.

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