Our loving family|Epilogue

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Izuku's POV

I didn't even need to think before I jumped into their arms and exclaimed, "YES YES OF COURSE I WILL!!!!" 

I was overjoyed. I was finally getting to be with the ones I love again. 

I heard Katsumi and Izumi celebrating behind me as I held my boyfriends tightly. I never wanted to leave from this embrace ever. It was comforting and warm. Something I now noticed I rarely felt with Ei.

I turned around and signalled for Katsumi and Izumi, along with Hika, to join the hug. This is what love is like. This is my proper, loving family. We went through so much as a family and I'm sure we had much more to go but no one can ever keep us apart forever.

Izumi's POV

"And that is how Ma's young life went. It was full of so much drama but we all got back together and since then we have been a happy family. Oh and he became number one hero. Pa was mad. I was so funny seeing him fume at the conference." As I was finished with my story, I let out a long sigh.

"WOW MAMA THAT WAS THE BEST STORY EVER!" Kora exclaimed as she clapped her hands along with her older brother who was smiling widely, something he rarely did.

"What a crazy life your family had babe. That was the best life story I ever heard. If only my life that been that adventurous. If Ma were here, she would have been super jealous." My husband pointed out, letting out a light chuckle.

It's been such a long time since then. Katsumi and I are now 32 years old and Hika is 25. I had a 12 year old son, Kai and his 9 year old little sister's name was Kora. I'm married to the most amazing man in the world. His name is Kody. His parents are close friends to mine, Auntie Kyoka and Auntie Momo.

Whilst Katsumi was enjoying his life with his boyfriend abroad.

And Hika...... well Hika uh she well.......... let's just say the last time she was in a relationship, the whole family almost killed someone, mainly ma. She was in a sorta abusive relationship and she never wants to be in a relationship again. Though she still has a 4 year old daughter and her previous boyfriend is in prison. The bitch deserved it. I mean he messed with my little sister. He is lucky he's even alive right now.

Well now enough with the saddness, Ma and my dads have now been happily married for 21 years. Hika is living with them as she didn't want to live alone after what happened.

Oh aaaaaand we have a little brother, Hinata (A/N if you know, you know). He is currently 17 and living with our parents. Although we all know that Hika's dad is our dad from when Ma was a villian, we still treat her equally and, don't tell anyone this, but she's my favourite sibling.

Although Ma's life didn't start of as joyful and merry, he sure as hell changed that. He has the best husbands you can ask for and amazing children, mostly me cause I'm the oldest. Though my childhood started off with me being a villian but that just shows how you can change.

Now I happy because I'm around my family and people who love me.

Izuku's POV

I'm with the people I love and care about. And who love me and care about me. Although my twins are no longer living with me, they still visit me, their dads and siblings when they can.

"Izu! Come on the movie is starting!" Kacchan yelled out to me from downstairs
"I'm coming!" I yelled back.

I sighed as I opened my bedroom door and walked downstairs. I sat between Kacchan and Shoto-kun. I smiled as they both cuddled me.

"I love being with you" I whispered as the movie started.

The end.

Although I expressed how much I wanted this story to be over, now that it is, I don't want it to be over😭

I started this story as a joke but now it has 10.9k views. Thank you guys so much for all the support. It means so much to me. I hope you enjoyed the story. And also, look out cause maybe tonight I'll be posting part one to my new story "Our little secret~Bakudeku"

I love you guys so much! Byeee!!!

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