Don't blame yourself

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Izuku's POV

"Why is everyone looking at me?" My ex- boyfriend asked, face full of confusion. He was really acting like he didn't beat the shit out of my kids and blamed it on me.

"This bitch!" I got out of my chair and charged towards him but was held down by the pro heroes.
"No! Let me beat him! He almost killed my children!" I shouted
"No, we are not having you do that. Right now you are innocent, dont ruin that"
"Ugh! Fine! Just let me go now" I sighed in defeat as I sat back in my chair and stared daggers at Eijiro

"Wait what do you mean he's innocent? Didn't he beat his children? And what do you mean I almost killed him?" He tried to make himself seem innocent and it was pissing me off. I gritted my teeth as I held my hand in a tight fist.

"We know it was you"

Shoto's POV

When Kat and I got back to the city, first they took us to remove the collars on our necks. Then they wanted us to go at home to rest but we demanded we stayed with Izumi, Katsumi and Hika. Of course they coulndn't deny our request so they took us to there room.

My heart dropped when the nurse in the room with them explained their conditions. Hika wasn't in such a bad state but she was constantly crying. I just think she wants Izu. But Izumi and Katsumi were in a really horrible state.

The doctor told us that if they didn't arrive at the hospital when they did, they wouldn't have made it. They couldn't breathe on their own and they lost way too much blood. She said that they weren't awake yet and no one knows when or if they will.

Kat and I slowly walked into the room after that horrifying news and was greeted with loud crying. I suddenly felt numb as I saw Izumi and Katsumi laying unconscious on the beds. Bandages all over their bodies and wires hooked up everywhere.

As I stood there in shook, I realized that the crying had gotten a bit softer. I turned around to see Kat cradling Hika, attempting to calm her down.

When I get the chance, I am going to kill Kirishima without hesitation. I sat on the chair next to Katsumi and gently held his cold, pale hand. While I was all happy with Izu and Kat, they were going through pain. I felt tears cascade down my face. I placed his hand on my cheek.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you" I whispered. First I failed to save my own boyfriend years ago when he was pregnant with you too. Now I couldn't save my own children. What kind of person am I? I'm a failure. I can't even save my own family. Why am I even here if I'm just going to fail? Being number two hero doesn't change the fact that I fail to protect my own family.

"Hey" I looked up to see Kat holding a fast asleep Hika. "I know what you're thinking.........." He sighed as a got a chair and sat next to me. "You can't blame yourself for it. We didn't know. I feel really bad too. I mean my children, who I barely got to meet, are here beaten up and barely surviving. And I couldn't save them. But you have to remember that you can't always save everyone. We might not have reached in time but they are still safe under our care now. Ok?" He reassured me.

I gave a small smile as I looked at Hika. "Can I hold her?" I asked. I've never really gotten to hold any of my children as babies and even though Hika isn't my biological daughter, I will treat her that way. "Sure" Kat replied, handing the sound asleep baby to me. She was so adorable.

I guess he was right. I wasn't able to be there for them at the time but I'm here now. And I'm not going anywhere!

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