The new family

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Katsuki's POV

"It's really you?" I muttered in disbelief.
"Mhm!" It's really him. After all these years, I finally can see him again.

"So how are you two enjoying being number one and two heros huh?" He questioned, slowly walking around the chairs Sho and I were tied to.
"It's horrible without you around" Sho confessed.

"Oh really but I thought I was too annoying. I thought you didn't care about me and you would have rather have a happy life with only you and Katsuki"

He just called me by my real name. I dont know why but I hurt really bad.
"Listen Izuku-"
"DON'T interrupt me when I'm speaking. If I am speaking listen and you wait till I'm done then you can talk."

Damn he's changed. Way more intimating.

When he was done talking, I continued with what I was saying.
"Izuku you don't get it. We were forced to do that!"
"One don't shout at me and two no one can force you to do anything."

After that there was a knock on the door.
"It's meeee!" A girl squealed at the other side of the door. He opened the door and that came idiotic blonde was standing at the door way.

"Oh are they here?" Izuku asked, his mood slightly lightening.
"Yup they're talking to Dabi"
"Ok then let come in about ten minutes."
"Sure" and she walked out.

"It was her" I muttered
"What?" He questioned looking at me
"He said it was her. She is the one who made us leave you" Sho said cause I couldn't find it in me to talk about it.
"Yeah whatever. You're just mad she now has a higher rank in my life than you do"

"SHE'S WHAT?!" Sho shouted, clearly angry now
"DON'T SHOUT AT ME! And I said she now is more important in my life than you are"
"So you're just going to completely forget what she and the others did to you? What they did to us!?  They made us leave you all because she wanted you for herself!"

Izuku's POV

I walked up to him and slapped him. This stupid idiot.

"Of course I remember but unlike you, she actually tried to make up. What did you two do? Leave me. While I was fucking pregnant with your children!"
"Katsuki Bakugou and Shoto Todoroki the next fucking time you shout at me, I will kill you."

"I'm sorry but-" Shoto started
"I don't want to hear it. I just want you two to see how much better my life has been without you two"
"Izuku listen to us please. That blonde haired girl would have hurt you and the babies" Now he's just making me even more mad.
"I'm not putting up with you lies right now. I'm not stupid. You're just mad that Himiko is more important to me"

"I'm not mad. Well actually I am. Because she is lying to you"

Katsuki's POV

All I was hearing was bickering between those two and I couldn't take it. Last time I saw Izuku, I was forced to leave him to save him and my children and now......... He's a villian....... working with the same bitch that forced us to be apart.

I didn't notice it at first but I started to cry. I only realized that after I stopped hearing them and them Izuku started to laugh.

"Awh is someone sad. Boo hoo."

Just after Sho said that, I heard him hiss in pain. When I looked up, I saw a knife pierced in his shoulder.

This is what he's become.....

They brainwashed him.....

Tricked him.....

Broke him down.....

And then built him up with their desires.......

"I-Izuku?" I breathed out, trying to regain my sanity
"What?" He aggressively responded
"What did they do to you after we left?"
"What is they do? They didn't do what you did and left me. And if your wandering if they forced me to stay with them, that didn't happen. By time I birth, I knew everyone's  strengths and weakness. So I because the leader of them all. I chose to lead them on my own. But one main reason I did this, was so that one day, I can have my revenge on you two. For leaving my and my children before they even have the chance to meet you."

"That's it. I'm not taking about this anymore. If you want to keep believing that we are the enemies, you do you."

Then we was another knock on the door. There was some faint talking at the other end of the door. Izuku went up and opened the door.

"MOMMYYYY!!!" two children jumped up at Izuku and hugged him tightly. Izuku was smiling as he hugged them back, after kneeling to their level.

Then they looked up at Sho and I, their happy and excited expressions disappeared. They looked at us in disgust and hate in their eyes.

"Why are you wasting your time on them. You could have been with us, training us to be like you but instead you're wasting your time on these idiots." The girl with white curls and red and blue eyes commented.

"Yeah sis is right but at least we get to finally beat these idiots" said the boy with green spiky hair with blonde highlights and green eyes.

"Shoto and Katsuki, meet Izumi and Katzumi, my children."

It's them.....

T-they're my children......

"Izumi and Katsumi meet your asshole fathers"

Izuku smirked as she finished her protests.

Just as I was about to respond, I heard someone at the door.
"Heyyy babe!"

That voice.....

I recognized it....

He didn't come in yet but I knew who it was.
"DADDYYYY" they exclaimed as he walked into the room...... WITH A BABY!?!

He hugged Izumi and Katzumi and kissed Izuku, them noticed me and Sho.

Izuku laughed quietly
"I want you two to meet my new family"

This can't be happening.......

I was finally able to breath out after realizing that this was reality.....

"Y-you're d-dating K-Kirishima?"

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