What do you mean pregnant?!?

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I'm back with another part🙃 I didn't do it last night cause I got lazy🙂 but anyways ENJOY

Bakugou's POV

Mr. Aizawa, All Might, Shoto and I all took different routes to find the cabin faster.

Todoroki's POV

I found it. FINALLY! It's been like what 6 hours. I shot a white flare to tell them that I found the place and there seemed to have no danger.

About 5 minutes later they were all here. Katsuki walked in first and looked around there was no one. I was completely empty.
"There's no one here. Is he even here?"
Then I stopped something.
"Ah ah ahh you guys should start paying attention more."

I walked over to the corner of the room where there was a while collection of boxes. I pushed them aside and just as I thought, there was a hidden handle. I pulled the handle revealing a ladder leading underground.

A little before that

Izuku's POV

"So Izuku let's learn some more about each other"

A/N Now before we continue I just want to say, if you find things weird about the information in this it's because I never actually finished watch mha. Cause my anime app gliched and I was only on season 2 episode 16: 17:34 yes I memoried it🙂 But all I'm trying to say is if I have information that's not in the real series don't blame me. Please and thank you. Ok continuing

"O-ok well you already know my name. I'm 16 years old. I go to UA-"
"Well  it really I am still in school and I have one more year"
"You're dad never told me you were a hero in training. Well you better not try to escape because I'm one of the best villains"
"Nope we're in you're fathers base. We are only working with him for a week or two and then parting ways"

I wasn't sure what to think. Is she good or bad. She still wants to be with me even after she learnt I'm a hero. B-but I can't be with her. She's a villian. But I can't do anything now, I'm too weak. I'll have to go with this for now.

"Hey Izuku you wanna go see my friend."
"Uh s-sure"
We walked out her room and sneakily walked through a little hall. I have orange juice in my hand cause I was kinda thirsty. While walking we accidentally bumped into someone.

"D-Dad uh I'm so sorry I'll clean that up"
"You stupid child" and he slapped me
"Umm sir was that necessary"
"Toga you have no saying in this."
"As for you, you're coming with me"

He pulled me into a room. There was a bed and chains tied to them.
"W-what is th-this"
"Take off your clothes now"


I slowly took off my clothes. I was trembling. I could barely do anything and now I have to go through this. He made me lay on the bed and chains my arms and legs. The problem was this time he went really hard. It hard way more than it should.

"D-dad stop p-please"
"You shut up"
"Dad it hurts...... p-please stop..... AHHHHHH"
"You don't deserve for me to."

Then I hurt an explosion.
"What the fuck was that!!"
He stopped, pulled up his pants and peeped out the room.

Bakugou's POV

"Where is Izuku"
"Why do you need to know you big idiot"
"Wait is that- Shoto his dad. Hes over there"

His dad tried to run away. Shoto chased after him. I'll have to count on him cause All Might and Mr. Aizawa are dealing with the other guys.

Izuku's POV

I pulled on the chains as hard as I could. I took alot allot of my strength but it finally broke. YES! I used a peice of the broken chain to pick the locked of the other chains. I grabbed the jacket my dad left in the room when he ran off cause I had no time to put back on my clothes.

I stepped out the room and saw Toga about to hit Kacchan.
"Ugh just leave already. You're not getting him. He's mine and that's it."
"W-what- what do you mean yours?"
"He said he's single and I like him so yes mine. And even if I would have killed the idiot who was dating MY Izuku"

Bakugou's POV

He told her he was single. Well I guess he did it to save me and Shoto. I kinda hurts though to hear that.

I looked up he stood there. Was he BURNT!
"I said you're not getting him" and she punched me

Then Shoto walked back.
"Well I have his dad. Can I beat him up for hurting Izuku please"
"Shoto just tie him up and help Izuku."
"On it"

Todoroki's POV

When I went to help Izuku he was burnt. ALL OVER! This is bad. Wait where is his clothes?
"Shoto g-go help K-Kacchan."
"What no I can't leave you like this"
"No listen she's dangerous. She's one of the strongest in the LOV so you need to help him to make sure he stays alive."
I sighed "just hang in there I'll get you help as soon as possible."

Izuku's POV

I tried to get away. I knew I couldn't walk properly so I held onto the wall and slowly walked. I walked in to opposite direction from the fight with Kacchan, Shoto and Toga. But I forgot that Shoto had my dad tied up around there and he grabbed my foot and pulled me to the ground.
"L-leave me alone" I said kicking him off me
"What were you saying before these boys interrupted us. Something about you getting pregnant?"
"N-No just let me go"
He held a knife to my heart.
"Tell me or say bye bye Izuku"

That's part 8 Okie hope you liked it. Bye bye💖💖

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