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3 weeks later
Izuku's POV

I wasn't being let out of where I was held except to see Izumi, Katsumi and Hika. I was a villian after all. But I hate it. Being restrained is irritating the fuck out of me. I'd rather still date Ei instead of this. Being unable to do things on my own will is annoying and I absolutely hate it.

Like imagine having to have someone stand in front of you when you go to the toilet! It's fucking disgusting and annoying.

Well at least I get to see my kids everyday. Izumi is still in the hospital but Katsumi is out and him and Hika are staying at Kacchan and Shoto-kun's place.

I walk into the hospital room to see Izumi sitting reading a book.
"Oh hi Mommy!" She exclaimed as she saw me
"Morning honey. How are you?" I asked walking next to her bedside.
"Umm that paper on the side table says that I can leave in 2 days and I'm fine." She replied as I held the note.

Great now that she'll be out the hospital, I won't get to see them again. They'll put me in this 'special cell' and only God knows how long I'll stay there for all the things I've done as a villian.

"Ma you're mumbling" she plainly pointed out, flipping to the next page of her book.
"Sorry." I sighed as I sat on the bed. "How do you feel about leaving? Are you sure you feel ok to leave?" I asked her. I wasn't trying to keep her here but she only woke up like a week and a half ago. Her brother left about three days ago, which mean he already got to stay for some time.

"I'm fine Ma you don't need to worry. And plus being in this hospital is irritating me. I just wanna get out of here." She replied giving me a soft smile. I just hope I can last without them even though I know I can't. Ugh fuck you Eijiro! If you hadn't done shit, I wouldn't have been here.

1 week later

I've been away from them for 4 days now and I am dying. I'm stuck and there's something keeping me from using my quirk. So this is what it feels like. Damn now I feel bad. Oh how the tables have turned.

I heard my cell door opening so I stood up.
"You have a visitor." He walked up to me and chained my hands and legs.
I walked to where he was taking me. I was a little confused though. I didn't know they took visitors here.

As I walked to the window, I saw a face that I wished was burnt. I wished I couldn't just stab him so much. That would be so fucking fun.

"Five minutes" the guard said
"Whatever" I deadpanted

I picked up the phone like device and put it to my ear.
"Hello Izuku~"
"What do you want" I got straight to the point.
"You of course" he answered shamelessly
"Well too bad you can't always have everything you want." I stated after his comment. "Why are you really here?" I asked

"Well you see, I wanted to say that I can bail you out but only on one condition. You be with me." He offered
"Ew no you're my father why would I do that?" I scrunched up my face at his offer.
"Because I know you don't want to be here and you have people you want to see, so I'll let you come out but you have to be with me"

"No I don't want to be with you ok. I lost you for nine years and my hate for you I dnt going to change." I placed back the phone like device on the wall as he banged on the window wanting ne to listen to him.

As I was about to walk back to my room, the guard started "Please wait you have one more visit."
"Ugh ok whatever."

I sat back in the chair and saw Sho and Kacchan with Katsumi, Izumi and Hika. 

I picked up the phone and heard squeaking in my ear,
"MOMMYYYYYY" Izumi squealed
"Hi sweetheart how are you?"
"Well I'm with my dads but I miss you" she admitted
"I miss you too sweety. Just hang in there ok?"

Before she could respond, Katsumi grabbed the phone from her.
"Mommyyyyyy I miss you. Come home please" he immediately started
"I miss you too. Just wait for me ok?" I replied
"Ok" he said with a pout
"Please don't be sad. I wanna come home so bad, I just can't. You know that being a villian isn't good. So I'm doing what I have to do and then I can come ok?"

He handed the phone to Kacchan and started to play with Hika, Izumi following him.
"Hey Kacchan" I said with a smile
"Why did you have to turn out like this?" Was the first thing he said
"Well last thing I remember was a stupid girl being obsessed with me and she made my boyfriends leave me. And stupid me believed her so now we're here" I replied, a smile still plastered on my face.

"Mhm. Well how about we get you out of here and then you can change from that 'stupid girl's' rules?"
"You mean bailing me out?" I asked with slight confession.
"Yup. And I'm taking no for an answer so you'll be out of here some" and with that he handed Shoto-kun the phone.

"Well he told you the majority but you have to promise to change. Ok?"
"You can't be a villian anymore and you have to help us change our children's mindset too"
I stated silent for a moment. Although I know being a villian was wrong, it was kind of fun. But then I can't be with my family.
"Izuku you have to promise is that because I know you want to go home and be with your children. So?"

Change huh?

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