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Hey besties I'm back :) Hope y'all enjoy this part💖

Izuku's POV

Shit no!
"Uh Kacchan it's not what it looks like"
"Not what it looks like? Izuku your pregnant! What do you mean not what it looks like?!"
"W-what me pregnant. Kacchan I'm a boy I c-can't get pregnant."
"Oh really so then who's is this?"
"Umm it's my f-friend's. She uh said that she and her boyfriend went a little too far and uh she got pregnant and came to tell me"
"Izuku do I look dumb to you?"
"W-what no of course not. Why would you ask that?"
"Izuku I read though you're notes and I found the album. I know you can get pregnant."
"You did WHAT?!?"
"Look I only did it cause I suspected that it was the LOV who had you. So I need to check through your notes to see if I could have gotten any clues. And I did but I also found out that you can get pregnant."
"Ok fine I am pregnant ok"

I walked out the room.
"Izuku what are you going to do"
"What I always do. Get an abortion"
"Where's Shoto?"
"He's at the grocery but don't change the topic. Izuku you can't do that"
"I knew if one of you found out you would be against me doing this, which is why I wasn't going to tell you. Kacchan I have to do this"
"No you don't. Shoto and I can help you"
"No! Kacchan you don't know what it's like for your dad to rape you for no reason in particular and then get you pregnant 5 times."
"Yes five. I can't go through with this pregnancy cause this child will be well my child and also my sibling and I can't do that. Just let me get this over and done with please"

Then Shoto walked in.
"I'm back"
"Oooo Izuku you're finally put out of your room. How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine Shoto I just need to do something. I'll be home before midnight."
"Wait what. What are you taking about?"
"Kacchan let me go. I have to do this and I will."
"Wait have to do what?"
"Shoto I'll explain when I get back ok."
"No why don't you tell him now."
"You know what fine. I have a quirk that me as a boy can get pregnant and when my dad kidnapped me, he raped me. And now I'm pregnant. And Kacchan won't lst me go to get an abortion."
"Wait what? Wait wait so you're saying that you are currently pregnant and you want to kill the baby."
"Please don't say it like that. I hate to think I'm doing that but I have to. I'll literally be carrying my own father's child. I can't do that"

Tears started to form in my eye.
"Izu please dont cry. I didn't mean to upset you. Just please think about this before you go and do something you'll probably regret"

I walked up to my room and the both of them followed me. We slept together, I was in the middle UwU.

The next day

I woke up to the feeling of wanting to throw up. I jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom. In the process I woke up my boyfriends. Way to start the morning.

Kacchan helped me clean up while Shoto get me some water.
"Sorry I woke you guys up. I know it's a weekend"
"It's ok Zuzu"
I blushed at Kacchan calling me that.
We went back to my room. I laid down whilst Kacchan and Shoto sat down.

"So I was wondering. Since were not in the best mood, I thought that we can maybe go on a date?"
"Ooooo yes I love to!" I squealed
They both laughed. "We're going on our first DATE!!"
"Ok Zu calm down"
"Awww but arnt you excited?"
"Yes I am but you still need to calm down"

The doorbell rang.
"I'll get it"
"Too late!"
I basically ran downstairs and opened the door
"Hi Izuku"

That's part 10 besties. Sorry I didn't post earlier. I didn't really have to energy to and last night when I started it, I got sleepy. So yea. Hope you liked it. Bai🙃

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